stage2 front cover question?


New Member
Jul 27, 2001
On my ongoing quest to drop more wieght from my beast. I have found a set of magnesium valve covers.:) What I want to know is did GM ever cast a stage 2 front cover in Magnesium? anybody know .......Thanks .......Richard
I also have a ste of magnesium valve covers, but there is a height issue, they only fit INDY heads. I'll take some measurements and re-post:confused: :confused: :confused:
The aluminum covers I am running have a 2.801" depth, the magnesium covers that I have do not fit with my T&D rockers (have not tried them with others) have a 2.401" depth. I think the indy cars used the low covers combined with the later low deck block, for aero reasons. I am currently trying to gather S2 head info for a S2 site I am building that will answer most questions. I know of about 10 variations of three S2 head casting numbers (not including indy) that need pics to show you guys. If anyone could help me open the stage 2 information door, I'm sure we would have a bigger following, and lower prices:D S2 isn't voodoo, I've been doing it for a long time and would love to help you guys get into it. Please PM me if you want to contribute to the site:)