Spectra aftermarket GN fuel tank questions/concerns


Aug 12, 2007
Hi guys, I am using a Spectra GN fuel tank in my Cutlass and seem to have problems around 1/3 tank and hard cornering and running out of fuel (such as an off ramp). This doesnt happen unless I push the car a bit through a corner but didnt know if others were having the same problem. I have not seen a stock GN tank so I dont know if the baffling is different, but the Spectra tank just has a metal dish in the middle with a lip a few inches tall to keep the fuel at the sender. I am currently running a Supra pump and initially E85 but last summer switched back to regular gas and made sure the pump was sitting ok in the tank. Has anyone else ran into this with this gas tank or tried a remedy? Straight acceleration is no problem, just cornering. I dont know if a stock tank has more baffles to keep fuel from sloshing side to side but the short-walled dish seemed kind of like a generic answer and during hard cornering it isnt going to hold much too long.
The stock baffles are plastic and go from top to bottom. It is a box shape, just enough room for the fuel level float to swing.

I ran the Spectra pie pan baffle tank for over 10 years without those issues.

I raced it with 1/4 to 1/2 tank tops too, but the wheels don't lift on my car. :p

I would double check the pickup sock to make sure it's very near the bottom.
I will check again when I drop tank in the next month or two. The sock sits at an odd angle with the supra pump and I had to move the pump a bit to get it to go down all the way and also measured so I am pretty sure its down as far as it will go. Straight line no problem at all, just aggressive cornering. Sounds like the stock tank would do a much better job for side to side motion. Thanks for the info