Some clarity on Senator Kerry's tax plans

Oh, that factual stuff is just confusing.

Faithful democrat.

PS-I hate Bush.

And Im not blindly allegient to the Repubs either-give me Libertarians.

Anyone who takes office will have to raise taxes to pay for the money Bush borrowed. Its not a tax cut if you have to pay it back with interest thats called a loan.
Re: taxes

Originally posted by chevyII
Anyone who takes office will have to raise taxes to pay for the money Bush borrowed. Its not a tax cut if you have to pay it back with interest thats called a loan.

thats not how the economy works. In fact by CUTTING taxes the givernment can generate more money in a regressive economic climate. Why?? Because cutting taxes puts more money in hands of consumers who are more likely to spend it which puts more money in the hands of businesses who will pay more in taxes based on the more money they are making... It benefits the economy by stimulating growth. :)
It's all just smoke and mirrors until they get elected.

What matters in a candidate is having enough fortitude to actually try to keep his word, IMO. Looking at Kerry's track Record, both as a politician, and as a vet, shows his true colors.