So my 5 years in the USMC is over


Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
That went by really quick. There were good times and bad times, I can't say I regret anything except for having chosen the MOS I chose. I didn't often feel like a Marine when I was trapped in the dungeon of the aircraft hydraulics shop. The one positive note is that the schools I went to look good on paper

I signed my dd214 today and pick it up monday.

Im off to bigger and better things, namely the Army warrant officer flight training program.
God willing, I will ship out for that Aug. 9th.
Taking the AFAST (flight test) on the 16th. I've been studying my ass off, hopefully I score pretty high.

For now, I'm going to enjoy being unemployed for awhile, and take the spare time to try and prep the car for paint ;)
Pablo said:
Taking the AFAST (flight test) on the 16th. I've been studying my ass off, hopefully I score pretty high.

The personality profile portion of that test was odd...IIRC one of the questions was something like "what would you rather do, bust a blister on a friends foot or reorganize a filing cabinet?".

So long as you pass the test, have a GT >110, can get a secret clearance, and can pass a flight're in like Flynn, it's not that competitive these days.
hey thanks everyone


allready have a 131 GT (USMC score, im told army conversion is within one or two points), passed flight phys, and allready have a secret clearance :)

everyone is telling me the same thing you are, so I better get this :D

and about the personality profile, lol I didnt see that question on the practice tests ive been taking. Someone told me that alot of those questions aren't even graded which I thought was odd.

Any tricky questions on the helicopter knowledge or mech. knowledge I should study for?

I'm more worried about finishing the complex movements section in time more than anything. I have to practice that more.
Pablo said:
Any tricky questions on the helicopter knowledge or mech. knowledge I should study for?

I'm more worried about finishing the complex movements section in time more than anything. I have to practice that more.

It's been almost 8 years since I took it...


The test is broken down into different sections and each section is graded differently (ie if you miss a question in one section you lose 1 point, miss a question in another section you lose 2 another section you lost more points answering incorrectly than if you just didn't answer it at all).

The complex movements that the one with the lines of varying thickness that you have to marry up to go a certain distance? I studied those like crazy for a month and could do those in my sleep at the time. And I think there was an entire section devoted to determing an aircrafts attitude based off a given set of instrument indications. There was also a basic, engineering and mechanical troubleshooting section (understanding pulleys, gears, levers, basic electronics, etc.).

When I took it the grading was odd...if you got <91 you failed and could retake it one more time. If you got 91 or > then you were stuck with that score. IIRC my score was a 137...I have no idea what the max was at the time as I've heard it floats year to year (or maybe test to test).

I've known quite a few Marines that have done what you are doing. There are 2 in my unit now.
wow, a 131 gt....with that the military will let you pick anything under the sun, good score..and good luck.
