Senator Kerry, the friend of BIG Business

Silver 6

Combustion Engine Addict
Jan 25, 2002
You have to hand it to this guy, he is real slick.

All this talk about how President Bush is paying to send jobs overseas. It happens to be a tax cut to offset the taxes already being paid to the host country where the production takes place. The company is still paying the taxes, just not all of it comes to the US account. And you can't stop the host country from collecting. It is like you having to pay income taxes to two states on the same income.

Now Senator Kerry bashes the President, and says he will cancel that tax break and keep those jobs at home. Then the same Senator Kerry goes to BIG Business (wink, wink) and promises a 5% tax cut on ALL their profits at home and overseas. For that overseas production it means a net gain of 1.5% for BIG Business over what they are saving now.

Senator Kerry is REALLY slick. He will raise the taxes on individuals and small business and lower the taxes on BIG Business and all the while say BIG Business has President Bush in their pocket.

All you need to do is read his own message on his own sites.
Kerry is going to implode, big time. It's painful to watch. The guys got nothing and the Clinton's and crew are setting him up to fail. The Deaniacs are going to jump ship to Nader.

Oh, sure, he'll win the Liberal bastions (if he can stem the Nader hemoraging or gets Hillary on the ticket), but he'll get creamed in flyover country where Bill Clinton was at least competitive.
Writes Hal Cranmer:

I would like to add my two cents about my John
Kerry experience. During my career as an Air Force
pilot, I spent two years flying a small twin-engine
prop plane around the Pacific from my base in
Okinawa, Japan. On one trip we had to fly Senator
Kerry, his congressional aide, and a Navy Captain
(Vietnam, A-4 fighter pilot) who was also in Kerry's
party to various locations in Vietnam and Cambodia
as part of the MIA/POW talks. When I met him, he was
wearing a shirt with a picture of his sailboat on
it. I told him I had a small 27' sailboat in
Okinawa, he remarked 'Oh I never sail on anything
less than 135 feet'. I laughed to myself and
realized this guy was no sailor.

When we first flew him into Phnom Penh, he went
to the back of the airplane and grabbed the pizza
that was put aside for the crew and passed it around
to his staff. He was never offered any pizza because
they were supposed to have lunch with the Cambodian
government once we landed. The pizza would have been
our only meal that day. He just never cared to ask.

Then when we picked him up in Cambodia, he was
an hour late getting to the airport. We could not
start the engines and therefore the air conditioning
until he arrived. Phnom Penh at that time was over
100 degrees with 95% humidity and we were basically
sitting in a greenhouse behind the cockpit windows.
When he finally did arrive, we were wringing out our
clothes from the perspiration. He walks out of the
air conditioned car, into the airplane and asks us
'Could you guys get the air conditioning running,
I'm a little warm." The other pilot had to
physically restrain me from going back there and
picking a fight.

Then we took him into Noi Bai airfield in Hanoi.
After we picked him up the next day (he stayed the
night in Vietnam, we stayed in Bangkok) we taxied
out, ran up the engines for takeoff, and noticed
that our prop rpm was vibrating all over the place.
We taxied off to the side to look at it, but there
was a good possibility that there was an engine
malfunction and the engine may fail if we took off
with it. Well, Mr. Senator sticks his head up in the
cockpit and says 'this plane WILL take - off, I have
a press conference in Bangkok in three hours!"(Maybe
this is an indication of how he will run the FAA).
We ran the engines again, and did not have the
problem, so we took off and made it back.

During the flight, he told everyone how he had
taken a Cessna (a small General aviation plane) up
with a fighter pilot, and the fighter pilot remarked
that Kerry was one of the best pilots he had ever
seen. I don't know about other pilots out there, but
it's hard to imagine a little, single-engine prop
plane pilot being able to show the 'right stuff'.

After Kerry left the plane, the Navy Captain
came up to us, apologized and said basically that he
knows Kerry is a jerk and that we should be glad we
don't have to deal with him every day....

Or will we?

Jack Privitt
HPE Computer Specialist, Inc.
5314 Mac Arthur Dr.
North Little Rock, AR. 72118
In the light of all the criticism that George Bush is an idiot, the Republicans decide to hold a "George Bush Is Not Stupid" convention. Eighty thousand Republicans meet in the Kansas City Chiefs Stadium.

Trent Lott says, "We are all here today to prove to the world that George Bush is not stupid. So ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce President George Bush."

After the cheers die down. Lott says "Mr. President, we're going to prove to the world once and for all that you are not stupid. So tell us, what is 15 plus 15?"

Bush, after scrunching up his face and concentrating real hard for a moment, declares, "Eighteen!"

Obviously everyone is a little disappointed. Then the 80,000 Republicans start cheering, "Give Bush another chance! Give Bush another chance!"

Trent Lott says, "Well since we've gone to the trouble of getting 80,000 of you in one place, I guess we can do that." So he asks, "What is 5 plus 5?"

After nearly 30 seconds of chin-rubbing and grimacing, Bush meekly asks "Ninety?"

Trent Lott is quite perplexed, looks down and just lets out a dejected sigh -- everyone is disheartened.

But then Bush starts pouting, and suddenly the 80,000 Republicans begin to yell and wave their hands, shouting again "Give Bush another chance! Give Bush another chance!"

Lott, unsure whether he's doing more harm than good, eventually says, "Ok! Ok! Just one more chance -- What is 2 plus 2?"

Bush looks down, counts on his fingers, and after a whole minute, proudly announces "Four."

A moment of total silence, then an electric charge surges through the stadium as pandemonium breaks out.

All 80,000 Republicans jump to their feet.

These GOP partisans start to wave their arms, stomp their feet and create a deafening roar:

Republicans for some reason forget to mention this:

A researcher called G. W. Bush at his house in Austin.

G. W was sleeping in late and was awakened by the call.

He was half-asleep when he answered the phone.

Researcher: Excuse me, sir. I'm conducting a survey

GW Bush: Questions? No political questions.

Researcher: Political, sir?

GW Bush: Do you know who you are calling?

Researcher: We call numbers at random, sir. May I ask --

GW Bush: What is this about?

Researcher: We are asking people do they think COKE beats PEPSI.

GW BUSH: I've never tried Pepsi. Is that a new thing?
And know for something serious:

Read the whole article here:

Corporate Connections

Comedian Jon Stewart once joked that watching President George W. Bush pick his White House staff was like watching "the old band get back together." It’s true that many of Bush’s choices for his incoming cabinet and top White House posts come from former Republican administrations, going all the way back to Gerald Ford. But what’s notable about this administration is not only the bona fide government credentials that the staff sports—it’s also the corporate connections they bring into the White House.

George Bush, of course, is a Texas oilman, although not a very successful one. His company, Arbusto, merged with Spectrum 7 in 1984 as it was on the verge of bankruptcy. Spectrum was bought out by Harken Energy in 1986, giving Bush a seat on Harken’s board, some stock options and a $120,000 consulting contract. As the first president to have an MBA, Bush has surrounded himself with people with similar (and more successful) corporate backgrounds. Vice President **** Cheney was, until last year, the CEO of Halliburton, the world’s largest oil field services company. Halliburton, through its European subsidiaries, sold spare parts to Iraq’s oil industry, despite U.N. sanctions. The Bush administration is already considering whether or not it should alter the sanctions policy against Iraq, hinting that it might allow for more normalized trade with the country.

Thanks for the link. I saved that one. What a great list of companies. It certainly looks like President Bush went to the best companies America has and selected some of the best people America has.

Thanks again.

It was your link, so I need you to explain something to me. It shows these people as linked to the companies after their names. How are they linked to those companies?

For example: Tommy Thompson and my Dad ran for their first elected offices together in Juneau County Wisconsin about 1967. From that time on until he accepted a position with President Bush, Tommy Thompson was an elected official of the State of Wisconsin. This means he held NO positions in the three companies listed after his name.

It was still a fun link, even if it is not correct.
Bush has got his hands in so many pockets it pathetic..I'm sure kerry does to. You only showed one side of the situation, typical party rhetoric. Throw enough crap against the wall and some of it is bound to stick. ALL POLITICIANS are beholding to companies, its called special interest groups..Didnt the republican party promise to end this issue..More lies....
Keep the Bush Bashing going, I'm loving it. The GWB Bashing has gone on for about 4 years now and Bush Bashing Fatigue has set in. Basically what happens is, unless it's new or sounds new (and none of it is or does) it goes in one ear and out the other registering in the brain as an attack on the President from those "whacked out fringe groups I see on TV".

It happened to Reagan, too. Way more shrill and "life and death" than anything GWB had done. Reagan caused Homelessness, Aids and was going to bring Nuclear winter to the world!!!! Reagan was an "actor", a "cowboy", "stupid", "incoherent", "slept during meetings", etc. He was also a true conservative that actually vetoed bills and stood up against unions, which won him few friends on the left side of the ailse.

Butttttt.... when you'd flash a picture of Reagan on a TV, people's brains said "that's my President" and the shrill attackers all became "those whacked out fringe groups hanging uncle sam in effigy over in Europe" in people's minds.

Put a Blue Blood New England Liberal that has a history of speaking out of both sides of his mouth up against that and you have a recipe for an electoral landslide.

Bill Clinton knows this. He's keeping his mouth shut, though. He doesn't want to be the first major democrat to admit Kerry is going to get his clock cleaned.

Please keep up the Bush bashing. The more the better.
More lies....


"You only showed one side of the situation, typical party rhetoric"

We4ster is this a new confusion tactic? I only said I LIKED the site you presented. And then I pointed out how I know one of the people on the site list. I then asked you to explain it.

I AM now really confused how that is lies and party rhetoric.

Or maybe it was just time for you to move on to a new talking point.

I do like the site you gave. I myself find it kind of foolish to have a comedian be your factual base, but it was still neat.

Oh, I get it! I have been so slow witted. This has all been a joke! You are real good. The way you have been bouncing from thread to thread keeping it going. I actually thought you believed that lefty spin.
Worst president in history?

The following appeared in the Durham, NC local paper as a
letter to the editor. Please forward to all on your list as this
will put things in perspective:

Liberals claim President Bush shouldn't have started this
war. They complain about his prosecution of it. One liberal
recently claimed Bush was the worst president in U.S history.
Let's clear up one point: We didn't start the war on terror. Try
to remember, it was started by terrorists BEFORE 9/11. Let's
look at the "worst" president and mismanagement claims.

FDR led us into World War II. Germany never attacked us:
Japan did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost, an
average of 112,500 per year.

Truman finished that war and started one in Korea, North
Korea never attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were
lost, an average of 18,333 per year.

John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam
never attacked us.

Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire. From 1965-1975,
58,000 lives were lost, an average of 5,800 per year.

Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent,
Bosnia never attacked us. He was offered Osama bin Laden's
head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing.
Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.

In the two years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush
has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled
al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Lybia, Iran and North Korea
without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who slaughtered
300,000 of his own people. We lost 600 soldiers, an average
of 30 a year. Bush did all this abroad while not allowing another
terrorist attack at home. Worst president in history? Come on!

The Democrats are complaining about how long the war is
taking, but...

It took less time to take Iraq than it took Janet Reno to take
the Branch Davidian compound That was a 51 day operation.

We've been looking for evidence of chemical weapons in Iraq
for less time than it took Hillary Clinton to find the Rose Law
Firm billing records.

It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and the Marines
to destroy the Medina Republican Guard than it took Teddy
Kennedy to call the police after his Oldsmobile sank at
Chappaquid****. (gotta love the censor****) :)

It took less time to take Iraq than it took to count the votes in

Our military is GREAT! PASS IT ON.
S10xGN, bravo!!

Now We4ster, run and find some dusty newspaper clipping that reports that GWB once admitted to "touching a 'booby'".
Naw he didnt...But his buddy, the Governator did..
Lets see, the U.S. military rolls over a helpless Iraqi army that has "0" air support. It was AIRPOWER that crushed Iraq in Desert Storm and it was AIRPOWER that crushed Iraq this time. The ground troops had a walk over. I'm 100% behind our troops, its the boobs running the war I have a problem with.
It isnt just the liberals complaining about Iraq, its military generals
and conservatives too. And they ALL support the troops. Keep pushing the rhetoric....its humorous

"Bush did all this abroad while not allowing another
terrorist attack at home."

Why should they attack us at home.....Iraq is a whole lot closer and the targets are everywhere...
The only difference was we took the war to afganistan to take out osama laden. when we couldn't find him, the remarks were made "make an Iraqi link to 9/11". A while later Iraq is dangerous to the US and were were sold the WMD line and invade. After not finding WMD then we were sold on the idea of Iraq was the cause of 9/11. We all know that wasn't true either since the Bush peolpe said so. The reason behind the invasion was this terrrible dictator had to be removed. Now it seems as if we are fighting the ****ies and other groups of people. Whats the story going to be next. Ive heard the term Flip Flop before but this seems more like make it up as you go to cover you ass type excuses. We will be told next we invaded because of the terrible condition of life in Iraq maybe Bush should drive through LA or chicago by himself at night and see what our country has to offer?
One more time...

This is a war on "terror". Not on Al Queda, Not on the Taliban, Not on Osama.

A war on terrorists and the state sponsors of terrorism. Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea for now. Others later.

Iraq may not have had ANYTHING to do with 9/11, but SADDAMM WAS a state sponsor of Terror.

Is any of this sinking in yet?
Come on now ChevyII. LA and Chicago are good old long time Democratic strongholds. Certainly they have public safety firmly in hand. Puns intended.

You really need to do something about your attention deficit disorder. You may find it helpful to go back and read a written transcript of President Bush's State of the Union speach. In that you will find the same reasons then as being stated now.

And I know how you guys like to hear someone say they are sorry. So, sorry. The reasons haven't changed.

And maybe while you are in the history files you can look at the transcripts of why we went into Afghanistan. You poor memory could use a little refreshing there too.

If you really need the help, I can assist with what you need to put in that little box on Google search. I know this learning stuff for yourself is hard, but you don't need to do it all at once.
The reasons havent changed since we went in? climb out of you cave once in a while.
ChevyII, I guess I just have to be sorry again. Sorry that you are afraid to just go back and read it.
I read all this crap and ya know??? It just makes me happy to be an American...Where we can have opposing opinions on the government and how it is run. Not be taken out in the desert and SHOT! Or worse!
guys ...Give it up! Have you EVER met a liberal that suddenly said" Oh...I see it all so clearly now. How could I be so damn blind!!!!OMG!!!I'm so sorry! You were right all along...
NOT gonna happen!
But keep up the good work!!! Its worth a try....;)
And if nothing else.... its good reading!

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(