Sad news one of our Hot Air Buick brothers has died


Buick addict
Nov 25, 2003
:frown: I just got word from one of the MAGNA guys that Bill Berger of Delaware (Timevacuum) has lost his battle with cancer this morning. Bill was a MAGNA member and a proud owner of beautiful silver 85 T Type that he fully restored a few years ago. I'm sure some of you fellow hot air guys have conversed with him at one point or another as he was very knowledgeable with our cars. Bill was a top notch guy and you could always have a great conversation and a smile with the guy. Bill helped me learn the ropes when I entered the hot air world and I appreciate all he helped me with. I'm sure more info will be up later but that’s all I have heard for now. Rest in peace Bill :(
My condolences to Bill's Family & friends.

Bill was one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. I never heard him say a negative word about another person. That is just how he was. He always had a smile on his face & could just bring you to smile no matter what type of mood you were in.

Bill always cared about other people. Even when he was battling against cancer he would ask how Kasci was doing. When I asked how he was doing he was always I'm doing ok or good. I don't think that cancer changed him he was that way before I knew he had problems. He was always more concerned about others.

Bill you will always be in my memory of how people should treat other people. How to handle yourself amongst any challenge. I feel privelaged to have known & spent some time with Bill. You will be missed & never forgotten.
Here are two pictures of Bill and his car. Bill is the one sitting in the chair on the far left. Thanks to Jim C and Banning Cohen from MAGNA for the photos and information. More details will be posted later. I will make sure they are aware of this thread and all of your support. Thank you guys


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very sorry to hear this.
thanks for sharing the pictures.
rest in peace
RIP Bill... Man those pics were only taken a few weeks ago... What a nice guy..He sent me pics of my gn prior to me owning it. It helped me know the history of my car. Thanks again Bill...What a lost to the buick world..
RIP Bill...


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Bill Berger hands down was one of the nicest, kindest, true, and the most real person I ever met. He was a wealth of knowledge and always wanted to know about any project you were doing. He painted his car in the driveway of his house in a tent and being a detail guy myself, I went over that car with a fine tooth comb and it looked like a 20K paint job. The entire car was amazing all around and he did amazing things with it. He was in Ohio of 08 racing the car a little bit and the trans started slipping. Next time I talked to him he had pulled the trans and rebuilt it on his work bench in his garage with just some schematics and parts. It shifted better then any of the veteran trans builders out there. The guy would tackle anything and do it first class and put 400% into it. Then he would sit there till your ears were red telling you all about it and how it worked and what he learned and what he might have added to make it better.

I have some text messages on my phone from him just last week and I have been reading over them and over them and I still can't believe he's not here with us. I visited him in the hospital several times when they first found his cancer. He had colon cancer beat it and then it came back almost in the same place where they took it out. So back in he went and beat that again recovered and was doing well then they found it in his liver when he recently went back for a check up. Several days later he passed away. Live each day like it's your last. Bill was only a young 48 years old. It's a sin when a mother and father have to see their child leave this world no matter what age they are.

Bill was one of MAGNA's finest members for sure and will be greatly missed every outing we have. I always looked forward talking to him when he was around. I will miss him dearly.

RIP my friend and god speed. Your in a better place now. You have been a true and great friend to me and everyone you touched in your time here. You will live on and on as long as I have a breath in my lungs and you will be in my heart forever......

Bill is on the right in this picture.. right where he always wanted to be in the middle of a pack of turbo Buick's.


and here is a shot of his car with him in it just at Kirban's open house last month...
