Ricer Fly by DENIED!!!


May 25, 2001
Last night coming home from mission Viejo north bound on the 405 right by mcCarthur Airport i was minding my own business when a boxer porsche and a honda ricer come zooming by me pretty obvious a race was going on with the ricer up in front of the boxer, i decide to join the fun and hammer it, instant 22 psi and i pass the boxer like he was doing 55mph and myself 120, i fly by the ricer which at this point had slowed down so i do the same with about 2 cars in front of him, next thing i know i see him flash his light and switch over to the right lane next to me and i know its on, i can hear his fartcan whalling as he is approching very fast, i hit the brakes a bit and built about 8 pounds of Can of Whoopp@ss, and wait for him to come up to my door next to me before i let it ripp, he got about 1/2 car on me as a result of the fly by but as soon as the TA 60 hit 22 psi i gained on him and started putting a couple of bus lenghts on him, about 125mph i let off and hit the brake lights to let him know it was over, needless to say he drove behind me the rest of the way until he got off the Harbor exit, that will teach him not to mess with the darkside..
Nice kill.
So much for his fart can exhaust.
Did he have a plethora of stickers to go with it?
Maybe "the wing"?:D
HOW come these guys put the fart cans on their cars ? they must know that the sound is annoying and that we laugh at them ??The funny thing is .... they think the fart can is cool :confused:
Originally posted by wildta
HOW come these guys put the fart cans on their cars ? they must know that the sound is annoying and that we laugh at them ??The funny thing is .... they think the fart can is cool :confused:

I started a fart can thread on the Corral because it's a mystery to me as well. But it would seem that one reason you find so many rice cars with fart cans is because it's hard to find an aftermarket muffler for an import that does not have a large tip on it.

Here's the thread