Real numbers...


Nov 27, 2002
Has anyone posted some real number on the suspension mods that are out there? I know the G body is not going to pull major G's on the skid pad, but I'm curious about some of the options that are out there. Maybe some of the Autocross fanantics on the board can chime in with their opinions.
I have never in my life relied on skid pad numbers because they are varible IMHO. Just changing tires will throw the equation out the window. Every car and every combo will be different. What I would do is use the skidpad to fine tune your particular combination.:smile: Sorry no numbers from my combos that I can remember anyway. They weren't anything stellar or worth bragging about anyway.
Hi Rampage,

There's no fundamental reason why G-bodies can't pull "major G's." The COM height in relation to the track width is reasonable, and especially by today's standards.

Basically, make the suspension rigid, and use the widest/stickiest tires possible, and you can go well over 1g maximum centripetal acceleration.

Now, things go south in a hurry when you actually want the suspension to move! This is especially true for the rear, which does strange things as it works over bumps.
For the front, the poor factory camber gain makes things bad.

If it's any consolation, with moderate to somewhat major surgery, both drawbacks can be corrected.

Thanks for the opinion's I'm just tring to get some feedback with my suspension upgrade...