Quick sub box question for you pros


New Member
May 24, 2001
I'm still trying to come up with something different for the trunk and some of you posted some pretty trick looking pics of your trunk/stereos.....but here's my prob:

I had the stereo done for me (obviously..since I don't understand squat about speakers/subs). I have a single 12" (extreme audio) sub in a ported box (at least I think it is....well, it has a "port", but I'm not sure what I'm talking about). I've heard about 5th orders, bandpass,..blah, blah, blah....I still don't have a clue.

Question is....what do I do if I want to make a "better" looking box than what I have. It is a plain jane rectangle (looks like something you'd buy from ABC warehouse) sub box....and the big question is...

How do I design a box that will still work right concerning dimensions....cuz I'm pretty sure I remember something about having the appropriate dimensions or the speaker sounds like poop.

Any help?
All you would need is the correct internal displacement. The shape doesn't matter that much (especially in a car).
Ok...how do I go about figuring that part out. Is that something available through the manufacturer...or just common knowledge based on speaker size?

...again, nothing is "common" knowledge for me when talking stereo :)

Call the manufaturer or check their website. They'll be able to tell you the best suggested displacement.

If you like the way the sub sounds now, just figure out the current box displacement and use that figure.
OK...can't find a website or even anything on google. I took apart the bass box and all I can find is this: Extreme audio on the front, EX series on the magnet...and something that says technology by karns.

I don't get it....so I looked up my original bill and maybe this can help:

motorsport 5" mid and tweeter
5" motorsport mid/tweeter/x-over
bridgeable 50W x 4 @ 40ohm pioneer amp (gmx644)
extreme 12" sub
bridgeable 100W x 2 @ 4 ohms pioneer amp (prsx720)

...running off a sony receiver (cdxm650)

Here's the questions:

1. Are the amps good?
2. Is the speaker good?
3. It sounded good before with 1 sub, but will 2 sound better (cleaner/clearer)
4. If 3 is a yes, then will the current amps power the system?

Again, I thank you all in advance :)
Do YOU like your system? If not - what don't you like about it. This is VERY important that you figure out what you want to change about it and WHY.

In its basic form - amplifiers amplify. How MUCH they amplify with out noise or distortion and how reliable they are and what features they have (or that you want) is what seperates one amp from another. Past that, you're getting into tweaky specs that matter ZERO once you're engine starts and you're driving down the road.

So, that being said - do your amps do what you want them to do? If "yes", then they are fine.

Same goes for your speakers...personally, if they are "motorsports" brand, I have never heard of them. Does this mean they suck? - NO - There are a few manufacturers that have a motorsports line of speakers but their name is on them as well..... Even speakers that are to be considered the "best" were unknowns at one time...once again - what do you think of them? What do you not like about them?

everyone has their particular favorites. I have my preferred choices myself (usually really tweaky high end stuff that most people don't use) but, I'm always on the look out for something "better" (better being subjective)

Let your ears make your decisions - not what other people think.

If you like certain aspects of your current system - keep them and only change what you don't like.

The only reason to run more than one woofer is for increased volume. 2 woofers will not play as clean as one in the overall scheme of things (not to mention they take up twice the space).
Good points....and thank you.

I guess the "main" thing I'm shooting for is a better "cosmetic" appeal in the trunk....I hate a plain box sitting up on the ledge with the amps just screwed into the floor...and one was hid behind the drivers side false panel (always seemed very warm).

So, If 1 12" will suffice if I change it to point toward the rear instead of at the deck lid, then I'm happy :)

Yes, I liked the sound before....but I can't live with the looks....and I'm nervous that I might mess it up. So, since there isn't anything on the internet concerning dimensions to this "unknown" speaker, then is there a "generic" dimension(s) that I should try?

I could just do what you said before about using the same dimensions...but I'm not so sure they "figured" anything out when they built it. Again, I don't know and I hate to harass you...but I want to dot my Is and cross my Ts.

Thanks for the feedback thus far,
You're not harassing at all - happy to help

There is no general box size. It is very speaker dependant. I do find that most 12" woofers like between 1 1/4 & 1 1/2 cuft for my taste.
If you like the way it sounds in the box it is in now, use that displacement. If you want it to play lower, build the box bigger. If you want it to play tighter (but not as low), build the box smaller. This only applys to a sealed box - If you want a ported box, it's a whole new ball of wax that can't be done properly without more info on the woofer. It's a shot in the dark with out actual specs available.
In the end, you might want to play it safe and buy a new woofer with more info available on it. There's a few outstanding woofers for under $200.00 shipped (elemental Designs 12A and Resonant engineering SE12 - both are excellent and fairly inexpensive for the quality you get).

Don't worry - you won't mess anything up - it's not life or death, just car stereo. Worse case, you have to do it all over again
Well, that is the goofy thing....the box is ported now but it sounded funny when it hit certain frequencies.

I just attritbuted it to the sub pointing up "through" the deck lid speakers.

Maybe your right though....I could sell this speaker to someone and just take the guess work out of it. I'm under the impression that for "most" types of music a ported box will sound a little better....correct me if I'm wrong.

Originally posted by Maltman
Well, that is the goofy thing....the box is ported now but it sounded funny when it hit certain frequencies.

That is a sure fire sign that the box is improperly ported.

Originally posted by Maltman
I'm under the impression that for "most" types of music a ported box will sound a little better....correct me if I'm wrong.

No - the port has to do with the woofer. Some woofers work best in a ported box, some work best in a sealed box. I personally prefer a sealed box system - they are more linear in their response and overall play lower & smoother than a ported box.
A ported box, however, will be more efficient at its tuning frequency and then drop like a rock after the tuning frequency.
Its all in what the woofer is designed for or works best with.
Roger that :)

Then, since I don't know the speaker's requirements, should I just get a different 12"? AND should I go to a sealed box (since I'm not a stereo expert and I'll probably never get the port right)?

I'm thinking that 1 12" will still do ok, but let me know if I'd have better response with 2 12" in a non-ported box.

Again...thanks ;)
Honestly - here's my personal selection.

Buy a Resonant Engineering SE12. You can get them from the internet or one of the guys on this board sells them (under 200 shipped I think). Put it in the suggested sealed box firing backwards and give it 300 watts + and you will smile for days.
You won't need more than one 12 if you run the RE 12SE
Ok....next dumb question:

It looks like my amp is less than 300 watts (note above entry).....and this is where I claim absolute "ZERO" knowledge.

So, do I need to upgrade my amp?
Try it with the new woofer - it might suprise you. If it does what you need it to do, keep it, if not - upgrade.
Well, outside of contact them direct, I can't find any dealers/internet stores???

By the way, thanks for all the info Zam!

P.S. I'm assuming that the new speaker will come with requirements for "box" dimensions?
Shoot...waited to long to edit the last post.

I played around on their website and was able to come across box dimensions for a single 12"....but I never saw anything like this before.


It is under tech/enclosures...am I supposed to build a box like this for optimal performance?
They have ported and sealed enclosures - I had my SE12 in a sealed box and it sounded great - I built it at 1.4 I think...

You can order from them direct or talk to Mike Licht (on this board) at full throttle speed...he can get them as well.
Roger that...but I can't find him on the board. They don't have a name seach and full throttle speed is not coming up on google.

I'll be happy to purchase one through him if I can get a hold of him :)

Just for future reference - the name search is in the regular search feature...it's off to the right.