Putting up for the winter


New Member
Mar 24, 2006
Well im finally putting the car away for the 1st winter owning it now, so it got a good bath, just figured id share a pic of it. this winter though im putting on some pro-stars as well as dumping money in the motor after i get the funds to move. Plus is ther any suggestions for storing these things.


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Top off the fuel tank so it dont condensate and get rust in the tank and run Stabil in it. Disconnect the battery and take it out of the car and put it in a warm dry place if your garage isnt heated. Protect it against mice somehow and put a cover on it. Some people lay plastic under the car if it sets on concrete to keep moisture away from the underside also. Just a few ideas. By the way I assume its a 86 w/ a 87 front grill? Good luck.
Great info on storage. Mine is an '86 and I noticed one of my plug wire has been knawed on 'till I see the white inside strands so I guess it was because of mice. Mine has been stored in a non heated garage for a few years now and I take it around the neighborhood to keep it running once every couple of weeks for about 15 minutes. Plan getting it insured as a weekend driver soon.
OPened the hood of my Limited backform apinting it.Squirrel scared the S...t
out of me. Ever see a NY,Italian man run. Sad sight.There I was.Also spark wire gone.And hood liner needs replacing now.Rodents.Move out of city findHaven't seen a rat.But the head of this squireel. Well my first in counter.bigger ones in outlines.......
Well if you put your GN away already I will just cruise around here by myself! I am not ready to shut the door on this year, not with a weekend like we have just had and today being sunny as well.

As for storage, you can leave the battery in the car. Cold weather won't hurt it any. You don't have to disconnect it either unless you want to. I never do. Like to be able to know I can get the car out of the garage in a hurry if I have to. If the battery is in good condition it won’t even need a charge in the spring.

Don't need plastic on the garage floor in the winter. Condensation is not a concern unless you have a large source of warm moist air entering the garage.

You can use Stabil if you want. I have never used it and never had a problem starting any engine be it car..mower..blower...saw...etc. If you plan to leave the engine sit for a year or longer before starting it maybe. For 5 months I wouldn’t bother.

As for topping off the gas tank, I don't do that either. Am I a bad TR owner? I have never opened a gas tank to measure rust before and after storage so I don't know that any rust is more likely to form then than when you drive the car often and expose it to much more exchange of air i.e. filling and draining the tank repeatedly.

What I do is drain the gas currently in the tank come spring as the gas may have degraded and be of lower octane than today. Put it in a lesser vehicle like a Vette or Mustang.

Now...as for the one thing we can all agree upon....what to do about the mice. I live in the middle of the woods with mice waving at me from every corner of the property...and here is what WORKS if you can’t trap the little buggers with a dozen snap traps.

Irish Spring. Yup….the soap.

Cut the soap up into strips and place in the engine compartment. Try to keep it off things that you don't want to clean later as it leaves a soapy residue behind sometimes.

Put soap under the car around each tire as that is how they are getting up into the car. Just for giggles if you ever want to be horrified...put glue paper all around each tire for a month and see just how many you collect.

I have used Irish Spring for the last two years and have not had any problems. This is the first time my hood liner may not have to be replaced every few years. I don’t find mouse turds at all in the garage now either. I put some behind the headlights, down on the fender wells, up where the air intake for the vents is…etc…just not on anything metal.

And as an added bonus...your garage will smell 'springtime' fresh. It can be a bit overwhelming for the first week but I like the smell. You have to repeat the process annually as the soap disintegrates but no big deal. I keep it in the car in the summers too.
I already caught ten mice this year, and it's not even cold yet.


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Some may think this weird, but I think the little things are cute. But I will NOT have them in my cars. So they give me no choice. :rolleyes:
hmm, maybe i'll get some mice traps. We've found a few in the dogs food bag, but thats all and that was quite some time ago. It was only 5 inches long, lil baby. We dont open the garage door much since the T-Types in there and im not driving it, so i dont think many mice will get in.

I like the electronic device that put's out a high pitched sound that human's can't hear.(The good ones $$)
I have two, one on each side of the garage in the front area. (16" door)
Size is 24' x 32' with concrete floor, heated with No food of any kind that they can snack on.
I put Decon out and they haven't touched it.
Now the cellar is a different story, emptied the Decon box in two days!
Adam - mice WILL get in regardless if you open the door. Those little bastards can fit through any crack.

Vicious6 - I'm with you. I even had two pet mice. Just don't want them where they don't belong.

Conn84gn - no electronic or decon for me. I have 6 dogs that kennel in the garage and won't take the chance of hurting them. I would have cats to eat the mice....but 6 dogs...."Cats, the other white meat".

The soap method seems to be the least dangerous to other animals and makes things smell nice too :)
I have a cat, but he is strickly indoor
If I had a dog, or outside animals I agree on no Decon
I'll try the Irish Spring soap too
Anything to keep them out
Two dogs and two cats, last year one cat brought a "present" on to our bed:eek:
First mouse of the season gets a warning and a boot outside, then the traps come out. Last mouse season = 17 confirmed. I love animals when they're where they belong. Mice in my house NO!
I just my annual 3 bars of soap :)

In the past I have found their hair nests between the engine liner and the hood bump - packed full of hair.... in the holes in the rear frame rails....but never inside the car so that's good.