Possible Breakup--Advice


Active Member
May 24, 2001
Anybody willing to share personal experience tips on surviving a possible divorce financially. What to do, protect, how to do it legally.. No lawyers involved yet.

Sorry to hear that Buickboy- really.

My best advice is simply this. Step #1 get the best attorney you can afford and that you feel confident in.

Step # 2 - Always take the high road and resist the temptation to pour gasoline on the fire. Particularly if there are children involved.

Remember this. The only people that benefit from further conflict between you and your soon to be ex-wife are the lawyers.

My situation was too good to be true. My ex and I walked the house with a legal pad that said "his" and "hers". After a little tense negotiating between us, we took our list to the attorney that I had retained to divorce her and we drafted the disolution agrrement.
Yeah, kids. If there are kids involved, it definitely complicates things a bit with respect to custody, payments, etc...

Sorry to hear about this happening to you. Like others said, get the best lawyer you can, and do your best to remain amicable with your spouse so that you don't fuel the fire up and at least have lines of communication open other than through lawyers, who will be the only one's getting richer off this.

Good luck

My buddy pays his EX Biotch $1300 a month for 3kids
Another pays $700 for 1 kid

Moral of the story::::
Cheaper to keep her

Sorry to hear of the unfortunate news,,really should try to work it out..

Originally posted by BandAid≈
My buddy pays his EX Biotch $1300 a month for 3kids
Another pays $700 for 1 kid

Moral of the story::::
Cheaper to keep her

Sorry to hear of the unfortunate news,,really should try to work it out..


The more you make the more they take. We have a FI director that makes 90k and he pays $400.00 per week for 2 kids:eek: :eek:

Try and work it out for yourself, the kids and the money IMO.
is there still communication between you two? one of my good friends got divorced after 15 yrs, they have 3 girls too. I luckly knew them both since the day they married and i was able to help them come to some type of agreement, i as i said she listened to what i had to say because we were all really friends, i told her having a messy divorce in front of your kids will only tramatize the kids into thinking they did something wrong, you guys at one point loved each other and i'm sure if one needed the other in any type of emergency, you both would be there for each other. I'm sure you don't want the kids seeing their dad or their mom going through hardship, it does effect your kids, especially the older ones, find someone you both love and trust and see if there could be some form of understanding before any court precedings. Sorry to hear such sad news hope this helps:(
What suxs is that most of us are worried on how the Father gets bent over,,,I wish someone could fix this whole problem,Also my buddy that pay $1300 a month,,well his ex lives in a Fancier house than me and has her trailer park boyfriend living there,,courts/lawyers blow............
Avoid Attorneys if possible.

If all attempts for reconciliation have been exhausted and divorce is imminent then take a day and educate yourself on who the most prominent divorce attorneys are in your area. Especially female atty's that have a reputation for representing women.

Make appointments with all possible for a free consultation. Once you have met with them they cannot represent your wife. Conflict of Interest. ;)

Best of Luck.
Make appointments with all possible for a free consultation. Once you have met with them they cannot represent your wife. Conflict of Interest.
You are right.

It really sucks, I hate divorce more than anything. I came from a divorced household and there are many things till this day that I think effect me. Nothing is better than having both parents involved and home, it shows a sense of stabilty. Unless you are fighting in front of the kids, that is not healthy either.

I hate to say it, pray,pray,pray. There is a few really good books out there also.

1) The Power of a Praying Husband (Stormie Omartian)

2) http://www.magicinyourmind.com/cgi-...4873540-search_type-AsinSearch-locale-us.html

You have to give it all you have everything to save it. Divorce when children are involved is not the end, it is just the beginning of a entire other chapter. I have been married 12 years, my wife has been through many rough times with me and divorce was a issue many times.:rolleyes:

Good Luck we are hear to help you. :cool:
Thanks guys for the words of encouragement. I intend to try to work it out for the kids, but I think the relationship is over. Trust is gone, and as i see it, that is the foundation.
Originally posted by buickboy
Anybody willing to share personal experience tips on surviving a possible divorce financially.


Is that even possible?? Isn't that why they call them housewives? They end up getting the house.

But seriously, good luck and hope you come thru this OK.