polling converter opinions

I would consider a PTC NON-locking unit with the billet stator. These things just plain work and work damn well. If you arent driving more than a few thousand miles a year you are better off with the PTC NL converter. It is a much simpler consistent unit and Dusty can spec these things really well. I am done with lockup converters myself for anything but near stock cars. No need for the extra mass with the lockup converters when the efficiency is not consistent when un-locked.

Now you are making my want a NL!!!!:mad:
The lock-up works well for the daily driver type or for those that make some long distance drives. They have been behind turbo mustangs at near 1000hp levels. They ARE NOT designed to be locked at WOT. We are limited to 3 stalls due to mating the converter with the locking unit. 1 of those is useless for the turbo buick...it would be too loose. The other two work well with stock turbos up to 67 bb units. A 70mm would be pushing it.

The 9.5 n/l is more of a custom unit and the stall can be adjusted a couple hundred at a time. If somone is serious about track times, it's the only way to go.

We are pretty slammed right now with trying to get my car back on the track along with some customer cars tuned and ready. Chris Hogeland and I are now vendors on this board and will be here for any and all questions concerning our line of PTC converters. As soon as we sit down and iron out a few details, we plan to roll out a website with all PTC products which also include dyno tested T-350, T-400 and powerglide race trannies.
The lock-up works well for the daily driver type or for those that make some long distance drives. They have been behind turbo mustangs at near 1000hp levels. They ARE NOT designed to be locked at WOT. We are limited to 3 stalls due to mating the converter with the locking unit. 1 of those is useless for the turbo buick...it would be too loose. The other two work well with stock turbos up to 67 bb units. A 70mm would be pushing it.

The 9.5 n/l is more of a custom unit and the stall can be adjusted a couple hundred at a time. If somone is serious about track times, it's the only way to go.

We are pretty slammed right now with trying to get my car back on the track along with some customer cars tuned and ready. Chris Hogeland and I are now vendors on this board and will be here for any and all questions concerning our line of PTC converters. As soon as we sit down and iron out a few details, we plan to roll out a website with all PTC products which also include dyno tested T-350, T-400 and powerglide race trannies.

So do you guys offer a lockup unit for the guys that like to driver their car across the planet year round.:D .....3600 stall to be exact.
So do you guys offer a lockup unit for the guys that like to driver their car across the planet year round.:D .....3600 stall to be exact.

You got a pm. I need your combo to see if our 10" will work for you. It's hard to rate a converter by stall since it changes with different set-ups.
Im not necessarily against lock ups but i still cant believe the number of guys who insist on lock up converters for their highly modded cars. Its just not needed and the added slip at cruise is nothing compared to some of the non-street friendly things i see on some guys cars claiming lockup, lockup, lockup is the only way to go. Examples of this include deleted heater boxes/AC, roll bars, fiberglass bumpers:eek: , and several other smaller things that take a lot away from a "street car". When your looking at the savings buying a single disc lockup that is not meant to lock at WOT vs. a quality non locker your saving $300-400 but generally giving up 3-5 mph in the quarter. Ill pay $300 for 3 mph any day. The fuel savings isnt much either if driving a few thousand miles a year. 5 disc lockups in cars that make 600+hp usually dont offer much if any over the quality NL and there is a lot less to go wrong in one of the NL units.