Paybacks a biatch


New Member
Feb 8, 2002
A few weeks ago I head out to my mailbox to pick up the mail, only to find it brutally beaten into the opposite side of the road. You can tell that it was not a drive by slaying, but a deliberate, get our of your car, walk up to it and beat-the-hell-out-if-it attack.
Well Im a bit ticked off but remember a few boxes I bashed in my own youth so just chalk it up to pay-backs. $25 later as Im installing the new box my neighbor rolls up and said he saw the mailbox in the ditch yesterday too. I asked him who he thought in the neighborhood would do it. We live in the country and there just aren't that many people around with kids old enough to have pulled off the stunt. He said the only ones around who were old enough to do it were a couple of brothers that lived on up my road. They drive a late model mustang and are ALWAYS screaming by my house at full throttle. Hmmm Ok I got them spotted out.
As luck would have it, a couple days later I happen to drive the GN to work. On my way home, low and behold, who should come screaming up behind me but the mustang brothers. Where we live there is a 2 lane road that has no turnoffs for about 2 miles. They catch up to me just as we get onto this road. I slow way down to about 20 mph knowing they wont be able to stand that speed. Sure enough, they pull into the left lane and attempt to pass me. Notice the attempted part :) I let them get up to my door and nail it. When the car started floating the front end up and their headlights were getting very dim I let off. I was probably doing 110 or 120 by then and they were barely in sight.
Our road is a left hand turn at the end of the 2 miles and I slow down again as I make the turn and let them catch up to me. For the next quarter mile till I get to my driveway I do about 25 mph. They dont attempt to pass me and I make sure they see where I turn in, right past my newly installed mailbox.
Been several weeks now and no retaliation. As a matter of fact Ive noticed a marked decrease in the speed they go by my house since the incident :)

Get a decoy mailbox and fill it with cement just incase, and during falll, cover cinderblocks with the leaves you rake up so they dont decide to use that mustang to re-distribute them in you lawn.
Originally posted by 36IndexGN
Get a decoy mailbox and fill it with cement just incase, and during falll, cover cinderblocks with the leaves you rake up so they dont decide to use that mustang to re-distribute them in you lawn.

I take it you have been in this position before? ;) :D
had a neighbor in memphis who got sick of people bashing his mailbox. in this neighborhood, the common thing was brick mailboxes, and they were usually hollow and when they would bash his mailbox, it would knock some of the bricks in and he'd fix it. eventually he got tired of this and had someone pour a small foundation of concrete for him to build a more solid brick mailbox 'house' on. And he had them make the next mailbox completely -solid- brick, no hollow middle. Front to back like 12 bricks thick, all solid. The thing could probably stop a truck. I wish I got to see whoever was going to try to knock a hole in the mailbox making the horrifying discovery that it just wouldn't happen to this mailbox but I never did, sigh.
Box bashers..

We've had alot of this recently. I counted 17 in one nite on our road. [Only about a mile long]
Theyr'e brave, until they see you have a car that can catch them.
I was in the yard, and they hit mine in broad daylite! Needless to say, the ol GN was there too. Took about 3 blocks and I was up their tailpipe! Got the lic #, and they were arrested.
In another county, there were a bunch of punks doing the deed out of a pickup truck. They were using golf clubs. A club head broke off and came back into the truck and killed one the punks ....TS!!:mad: :mad:
Re: Box bashers..

Woohoo you need to submit that one to the Darwin Awards, chlorine for the gene pool!

Originally posted by Chuck Leeper
We've had alot of this recently. I counted 17 in one nite on our road. [Only about a mile long]
Theyr'e brave, until they see you have a car that can catch them.
I was in the yard, and they hit mine in broad daylite! Needless to say, the ol GN was there too. Took about 3 blocks and I was up their tailpipe! Got the lic #, and they were arrested.
In another county, there were a bunch of punks doing the deed out of a pickup truck. They were using golf clubs. A club head broke off and came back into the truck and killed one the punks ....TS!!:mad: :mad:
I have two ideas! Don't take this literally and I don't condone it.

1. Shut your breaker in your house of run an extension of your electrical service to your all metal mail box. If they come by with a golf club or bat. You get the idea.

2. load of 100 envelopes of anthrax powder when they come by to smah it it will blow on them bringing it home to hopefully kill as many of the hatfileds or mccoys(depending on which clan lives near you as it can.
Originally posted by trading t/a
I have two ideas! Don't take this literally and I don't condone it.

1. Shut your breaker in your house of run an extension of your electrical service to your all metal mail box. If they come by with a golf club or bat. You get the idea.

2. load of 100 envelopes of anthrax powder when they come by to smah it it will blow on them bringing it home to hopefully kill as many of the hatfileds or mccoys(depending on which clan lives near you as it can.

i like #1, #2 is a little much.
Many years ago, in one of my dad's farm magazines, someone showed the design for their rural mail box. They took one of the standard size rural mailboxes and took the door off the front. they then centered the mailbox in one of the larger mailboxes and filled the space in between the two with concrete.

I bet that would give the vandals a surprise when they tried destroying it. Although I would be afraid to do this, because if someone hit your mailbox accidentally, I don't know if I would want to be on the wrong end of a lawsuit if that thing went through someone's windshield.

Damn, stories like these make me glad I don't live in the country. I have one of them "12 in 1" type mailboxes. Great ideas about retaliation. I have one too. Instead of mounting your box on a pole or in bricks, mount it on a coil spring type thing or a bendable pole. That way when they hit it the thing will bend over and bounce back up. You'll probably get a dent, but it's better than not having a box at all.
The problem is, this wasnt hit by a car, it was a brutal beating with some blunt instrument. Im guessing a large pipe from the marks on the mailbox. It was beaten from the side of the road it was mounted on all the way across the road to the other side into the ditch. The coil spring thing is just inviting a beating. Its much more fun to hit it with a bat or pipe, have it keel over and pop back up for some more abuse :)


Originally posted by OneLethal87GN
Damn, stories like these make me glad I don't live in the country. I have one of them "12 in 1" type mailboxes. Great ideas about retaliation. I have one too. Instead of mounting your box on a pole or in bricks, mount it on a coil spring type thing or a bendable pole. That way when they hit it the thing will bend over and bounce back up. You'll probably get a dent, but it's better than not having a box at all.
As always, there are two ways to look at it. The more they come back to beat it, the better chance you have at finding out who did it. There are two sides to every coin, young grasshopper.:cool:
Isn't vandalizing mailboxes a serious offense? I've heard that but not shure.
I like the electric shock idea, make it 2 stage, somehow, so one guy hits it, it shocks him a tiny bit, the next guy does it, it shocks him good enough that he still wants to hold on, but involuntarily of course.