Paranoid when taking TR out

I have thought about having a different address listed on registration and filling out paper work when getting tires or smog at shops cause of the employees noticing the TR and saying how they don't see many.

Best check w/ the fuzz and your ins company b4 you use a different addy on your registration........
Distracted drivers are more worrisome than thieves to me. When I was overseas my dad had my car in storage for me and would take it out occasionally. I told him to be careful because when I drive it, people become stupid and forget how to drive as they try to get closer to look at it. I've literally had people pull up on the right, back off and veer to the left and pull up, then back off again and get on my ass. And more often than not they're just trying to figure out what the hell it is. But they get way too close trying to figure it out. I wish I still had the pic of the sign I saw in a car at a car show...something along the lines of "if you touch my car I will shoot you in the face" (just allot wittier than that).

I've gone to a few shows/get together out of state and have walked up to other Turbo Regal guys and started chatting and yeah...most of us are bit suspicious, but I usually just mention this site or one of the other sites and that usually puts a damper on the apprehension. Or I lead off with something like "is that one of the 500 twin turbo FBI Montes Olds built for Buick!?!"
Gordy, I don't know why you're joking about those. My uncle's nephew had a boss who's brother had one. It was suppose to be in black, but President Regan called Buick and asked that they make 5 in blue, his was one of those. Oh and it had a cloaking device so the agents could conduct invisible stakeouts. I would give you the guys name, but last I heard, he was abducted by aliens.

If you want to talk to random dudes at gas stations, a Grand National is your car - happens each time I fill up - strange, no pretty girls ever come up to talk about the car :)
If you want to talk to random dudes at gas stations, a Grand National is your car - happens each time I fill up - strange, no pretty girls ever come up to talk about the car :)
I had a very nice looking lady come up to me and ooooh and awe all over the car and she asked to sit in it. I let her just because she was so good looking and in a short skirt.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Lots of scum out there, coupled with terrible drivers it almost takes all the fun out of it. As to the point of car shows...whats the use of displaying it when guns and signs and sleepless nights come into the picture. Being careful and alert is one thing, paranoid is another. Its like taking a modelesque "10" girlfriend to a bar, you might as well pick random fistfights on the street.

I've found you can't even take cars of this type on errands as someone else pointed out, no more leaving it on the street. These types of cars are basically weekend cruisers. If it doesn't get stolen it will get keyed.
Lots of scum out there, coupled with terrible drivers it almost takes all the fun out of it. As to the point of car shows...whats the use of displaying it when guns and signs and sleepless nights come into the picture. Being careful and alert is one thing, paranoid is another. Its like taking a modelesque "10" girlfriend to a bar, you might as well pick random fistfights on the street.

I've found you can't even take cars of this type on errands as someone else pointed out, no more leaving it on the street. These types of cars are basically weekend cruisers. If it doesn't get stolen it will get keyed.

That's a fairly pessimistic attitude. Maybe you need to move to a nicer area of the country. Bottom line, there are plenty of nice cars out there on the streets and many much nicer than our tr's. Living a life in fear is not living. Your car is insured right? If so, stop worrying. And before the flaming starts, I have a HUGE sentimental attachment to my car but it is still just a car. The memories are what's important as you can't take the car with you.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Just go out and enjoy them,when i am out driving around i dont care if someone wants to look at my car or ask questions.I am nice to everone but i dont give out personal info or let my guard down.
Lots of scum out there, coupled with terrible drivers it almost takes all the fun out of it. As to the point of car shows...whats the use of displaying it when guns and signs and sleepless nights come into the picture. Being careful and alert is one thing, paranoid is another. Its like taking a modelesque "10" girlfriend to a bar, you might as well pick random fistfights on the street.

I've found you can't even take cars of this type on errands as someone else pointed out, no more leaving it on the street. These types of cars are basically weekend cruisers. If it doesn't get stolen it will get keyed.

Im with you on that man!
The Buick is my daily. I have good car insurance, so I really don't worry about her too much. The body isn't in the best of shape, and I certainly plan to paint it some day, but for right now, it can stay in rough shape. Makes it a little less desireable and I don't have to worry about it being keyed, door dings, etc. Fortunately I've never had a problem.