PAC driver module?


New Member
Mar 2, 2008
Hello, where is a good place to mount the driver module, I am going to put the control module between the radio and the dash. (press fit :tongue: )
Remove the lower center panel on the driver side - it houses the a/c vent to keep your nads cool in the summer.

Then look up inside, between the steering column and the frame for the dash, there's a spot there you can install it and then zip tie it down.

And for added good measure I even made sure the sliding door that conceals the two knobs was facing outwards and up against the front of the dash.

That way if I should ever want/need to make an adjustment I can.
When you remove that panel I was speaking of, off to the left you can wedge the box in there between the steering column and the dash, zip tie it down and then put the panel back up.