Open invite to anybody around Atlanta


New Member
May 10, 2002
Our club (formerly known as Street Lethal Stangs) is now just Street Lethal. We decided to drop the just Stangs club and allow anything American and fast. Not too many things as all American and undoubtedly fast as a GNX or a Grand National (or even just t-types in general).

Without boring everyone with the details, I'll make it short.

We are losing the war against the imports.

Not on the track, where we dominate, but on the streets and where we gather as friends.

We all share a common interest, fast American muscle. So why not use that unity that we have, that surpasses brand loyalty, and make a 'superclub' of American hotrods.

We have invited the f-body guys out, we've invited the Vette guys out, and we extend the warmest of welcomes to you guys to come out to our weekly meetings in Lilburn GA (only about 10 minutes down Pleasant Hill off of I85). We usually have 15-20 cars show up, and 20-30 people, and it's growing every week. We meet at the Sonic at the corner of Hwy 29 and Pleasant hill, at 7 pm every Tuesday. We have shirts, stickers, discounts, and discounts to all of our races and events that we do throughout the year.

We just elected a new committee, and are changing the way things are done in a drastic measure.

I hope to see you guys out there soon.

Chris (Psychoholic)

p.s. The new website will be up shortly, where it isn't all 'stanged' out.

I'll drop by whenever it stops raining, my car never has seen rain.... :) It will melt....

:D alan