One of our own hurts, and I for them...

Absolutely terrible news :frown: condolences to Julio and his daughter.

Spoke to him a few times on the phone, kind of guy who makes you feel like he's known you for years. That alone tells you what kind of guy he is
So sorry to hear news like this. I can't imagine what you're going through Don but we'll be thinking of you. Sometimes we take things for granted and news like this makes us all take a second look and to be thankful for every moment we have with family.

God bless you.
Julio, this indeed is a time of trial. Please keep your chin high and keep your daughter close and remember one thing friend, your wife is watching over you both.

Your in are prayers.

Julio,Im so sorry to here about your lost.......Prays go out for you and daughter and your families. GOD BLESS

My thoughts and prayers are out for you and your 11 year old daughter. I can not even imagine.

Julio my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family... You have brothers [CORN] in St. Louis.... we're with you and so is the ENTIRE Buick community... i know first hand about losing someone and, like said before dont hesitate to use your friends and family to lean on. I was 13 and my youngest brother was only 9 when my mother passed - it makes you grow up extremely fast.... so take the time and be with your daughter....but also dont isolate yourself from friends.... time helps to heal but you will never forget.... may GOD help you through you time of grief.


Be strong my friend, if you need anything, there are many people here that are a phone call away. Just pick up the phone and call your friends and family, i really hope that you know everyone here loves you.

I am so sad to hear about this news from Roy, wished you were here so we could talk about it.

I heard abut her illness last Sunday from a friend, and I was saddened. Losing your spouse, friend, and mother of your child is nothing that any decent person should have to deal with. We have a great community here in the Buick world, and I'm sure I speak for EVERYONE on here, that if you need anything, we are ALL here to help. God bless you and your daughter. The pain WILL subside over time, but your memories are there for you to cherish for a LIFETIME! Ken
Oh My Dear God! Julio, I've never met you and your family, but we've talked many times, and you are such a good person, with such an enormous heart! Everyone on this board loves and respects you! I was nursing my wife tonite - she has a little cold. I love her with all my life, and can't begin to fathom your loss. I am deeply, deeply sorry...

I'm sorry Julio. I remeber you telling me your wife wasnt too well when i called a few day ago. I'm sorry to hear about it. Stay strong buddy.

I lost my own dad on July 2, 2005. It was a tragic thing, and was a sudden thing. I still think of him everyday.

I know you have a lot of business, so take this time off to be with your family.

Stay strong.
Wow, I'm at such a loss for words, I'm not sure what I could do, or perhaps what we as a Buick community ( can do for you. But PLEASE, if there is ANYTHING we can do, Just ask. I'm sure there are others that would agree that even never meeting you in person consider you a good friend. I'm very sorry for your loss. My family and I will keep you in our Prayers.
Julio, May all the memories of your wife bring you happiness through out eternity.

Her spirit will soon bring you comfort from the pain you experience today.

John Wanner and Family
Words cannot express how bad I feel for you, your daughter, and whoever it was that knew, loved, and cared for your wife...hang in there buddy...only God and time can heal a wound like that.

May God keep you strong for you; your daughter; and your entire family in this time of need.

I will keep your entire family in my prayers....
