Once-and-for-all, are...

snopes.com results :


After the baking process of the sponge cake portion is completed, cream filling is injected into each Twinkie through three holes in its top (brown) side; the product is then flipped before packaging, turning its bottom into its top. Hostess estimates they use eight million pounds of sugar, seven million pounds of flour, and one million eggs to produce the 500 million Twinkies baked every year.

Do I get a cookie? Or... a ....twinkie? :D
I have a perfectly fresh Twinkie, baked the year I was born, on E-Bay for $75.00, but buy it now for only $70.00 and I will throw in shipping.:D

I think I have found a way to keep Interstate Bakeries out of Chapter 11 and win the war in Iraq.

Haliburtions could start buying Twinkes, use the empty oil carriers to ship them to Iraq, we give them away to the bad guys and they all die from high cholestrol.

Thanks for the info