Okay, who got their wife mad...

Naw, I'm sorry but regarding that first car here, that ad just seems to be written too well for a female. Very few women know that much about these cars in general. He's just selling the worst of his 5 cars and he wants everybody to think that it is a forced sale. That's my story and I am sticking to it. It does seem to be pretty honestly written and described, though. Mama is liable to be a better car salesperson that he is.
ok thank god. there is still more time (digs through the couch looking for loose change.)
Originally posted by Wells
Naw, I'm sorry but regarding that first car here, that ad just seems to be written too well for a female. Very few women know that much about these cars in general. He's just selling the worst of his 5 cars and he wants everybody to think that it is a forced sale. That's my story and I am sticking to it. It does seem to be pretty honestly written and described, though. Mama is liable to be a better car salesperson that he is.

I agree with you on that one...
Wow $5,600 and it looks like it needs to be painted. With a $2,000 paint job that thing should look a million times better. Someone did indeed get a great deal on that car.