Nitromethane? anyone do it yet?


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Jun 23, 2003
its been on my mind for some time ever since i installed razors alky kit.

hmmmmmm, what if i add a LITTLE bit of 100% nitromethane into the already present methanol? or use hydrogen peroxide?

i did a search on here and saw that a few people have also considered it.

has anyone tried any mixes yet? i didnt want to be first in line to try this out.
what were the outcomes? even a small percentage of nitro in your alky tank would create some boost in horspower.
I wouldnt do it.

Need more power turn the rod in and up the boost, up the timing. Easy.. need more.. get a bigger turbo/injectors/heads/cam...

Follow Ed's 87 T combo.. get it into the 11's and then tell me you want more :D

Something goes wrong and you scatter the motor.. you'll wish you kept things as simple as possible.

Unlimited HP at your disposal.. all you have to do is tap into it.
A good friend of mine is on an A-Fuel dragster team (the team just won the national championship) anyway they go through a lot of pain to make sure that the nitro does not stay in the motor, or fuel lines. After they warm up the car, or make a pass they blow all the cylinders and fuel lines out. If you do try to run it, you should plan to flush your alky system afterward, and you might want to change your oil too.

Nitro should certainly handle even more boost than plain alcohol, if you spent the time and possible dollars to dial it in, your car should haul ass.
Originally posted by Razor
I wouldnt do it.

Need more power turn the rod in and up the boost, up the timing. Easy.. need more.. get a bigger turbo/injectors/heads/cam...

Follow Ed's 87 T combo.. get it into the 11's and then tell me you want more :D

Something goes wrong and you scatter the motor.. you'll wish you kept things as simple as possible.

Unlimited HP at your disposal.. all you have to do is tap into it.

well i was just curious if anyone has tried this. what about H2O2, hydrogen peroxide? yes i know, more power = turn up the boost, buy a bigger turbo, be a better driver blah blah blah. i am a student and cant afford pistons going threw the hood because of nitro.
I'm puzzled by the T-92 in you'r sig., what does that stand for? I'm no expert on fuels but from what I know Nitro is a very volitile fuel best suited for all out runs by motors set to pump huge volumes of it in the cyls. & ready to replace the motor after 1 run if needed! The hydrogen peroxide sounds more promising, maybee some of the more chemically educated can comment?
how about RC airplane fuel? isnt it a mixture that has a smaller % of nitromethane including some lubricant? they sell it in different percentages. I always had this silly notion as a kid of getting a go kart and filling the tank up with that stuff.

I think its like 20 bux a gallon though.
T92 is the chip i use. i dont think i will need to replace the motor after a little nitro mixed in with the methanol. if i ever did try this, i wouldnt use much of it.
i think RC airplane fuel has a lubricant in it which wouldnt work to good in razors pump.
hydrogen peroxide in any concentration is nasty and corrosive, best you'll get is %27 for pool cleaning probably, even this is very dangerous. (don't ask how I know this, yes it is a federal offense)
All I can say is, if you do decide to try some nitro, PLEASE be careful. An inexperieced Top Fuel team nearly died last year when a few drops of nitro were still in the motor when they fired it 40 feet from our pit. It blew the engine apart, and took a large chunk out of the trailer. It's unbelievably explosive.

Now that I'm done preaching...

I'd like to see it tried. It would require some significant timing changes, but it would work.
Originally posted by 87GNcospg
use hydrogen peroxide?

I have never heard this?? Anyone have some specifics of what is gained. I have some 35% H202 in the washroom.
HAHA. i would never try actually using nitro or even hydrogen peroxide. i am just hoping that someone else has done it and can tell us the outcome. i guess no one ha tried it yet.
The RC car fuel sort of interests me. I have some left over from my car ill check the percentage of it. Maybe it will be a good experiment ill have to install the alky kit first;)
Originally posted by Tony87gn
The RC car fuel sort of interests me. I have some left over from my car ill check the percentage of it. Maybe it will be a good experiment ill have to install the alky kit first;)

keep us updated. i dont think razors alky pump will handle a lubricant (correct me if i am wrong). not sure if the RC stuff has it or not.
Originally posted by 87GNcospg
keep us updated. i dont think razors alky pump will handle a lubricant (correct me if i am wrong). not sure if the RC stuff has it or not.

It will, but I wouldnt for extended use. In other words if you put XYZ chemical in it..go spray it.. see if it gives the results you want.. then drain the tank and refill with alcohol. No issue. Some lubes can attack plastics, hence the issue.

Perfect example is gasoline. Notice how you cant use it in a plastic milk jug, tho the red plastic gasoline containers can handle it. You can get into issues with the interactions of some chemicals and plastics. And this is over time. As you can put one gallon of gas in a plastic milk jug.. but better use it fast and not let it sit for an extended period of time.

Big difference between long term and intermittant use.

If I do do this experiment what boost level should i start at? 15 pounds then see how it reacts?
Originally posted by Tony87gn
If I do do this experiment what boost level should i start at? 15 pounds then see how it reacts?

well what are you using? the RC stuff? see what percent it is. what else do you ahve done to your motor? how many unopened miles does your motor have? a real way to test this would be on a dyno say at stock boost levels without nitro and then with nitro. stock boost levels just to be safe since once the nitro ignites its going to be like adding a couple more pounds of boost with that extra oxygen being released.
my prayers are with your 3.8 LOL
Damn right let the prayers be with my 3.8. Anyways the mods on motor are stock block, stock heads, forged speed pro pistons, stock rods, forged eagle crank, comp 212-212 cam and all new components like lifters and such. All ARP bolts and studs. I have a TA-51 with 3in DP and hooker exhaust. All the other odds and ends as well fuel wise. I have the boost commander to control boost. Oh yeah CAS-V2 front mount, converter and what not. Motor is basically brand new only 400 miles on it right now. This test wont be done until spring and more miles are put onto the engine. I think I have a stout enough motor too conduct a little test. We will get back to this in the spring:cool:
Cool, someone is actually gonna try one of my ideas out hehe. Keep us posted.
Originally posted by Tony87gn
This is what I am thinking about using. But I am pretty sure I am gonna start with the 10% nitro first.
I also found this on the site site
says good to use after a run, prevents corrosion and buildup. What do you guys think, should I even try it once do you think it will hurt that bad I cant see how it can because its 10 percent nitro and the 90 percent is methanol and lube.

GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is a very nice setup you have on your car. hopefully everything will hold up. this nitro stuff is pretty much liquid nitrous and methanol so dont try it out with 25+ lbs of boost at first. lol. do this test at night. maybe you can get some nitro flames (pure hydrogen) coming out of your tailpipes!