Newbie from Ohio


New Member
Jul 17, 2009
I've been looking around for a while off and on. I am a fan of the turbo Buicks but not an owner at this time. My brother does have an X though and I got to drive it a few times. It only has about 9300 miles so it's not out often, in fact it still smells new on the inside. He also has an '89 turbo TA with about the same miles, although it's not as nice as the X.
Welcome, you will find alot of us here representing the Buckeye state!! Have your brother sell one of his to you HAHA bet that would never happen!! Good news is this is a great time to buy many good deals to be had in this economy.... Just be prepared to have deep pockets if you want to get out and play and go faster!!!!
Welcome to, the biggest & the best of all of the turbo Buick forums / sites anywhere.