new turbo, boost gauge = 0


Aug 31, 2001
I just took my car around for a drive (no cat back exhaust on the car) i put a ta-49 on it over winter, and i can hear the turbo working, but my boost gauge sits on 0, i tried getting on it, brake torque, is my gauge bad, or does the 49 put out different then stock turbo????
Heheh...One of my first mods to the 86 was an aftermarket boost gage. That way there's no worry about monitoring boost. The factory boost gage can fail at any time, and usually when you least expect it. Hmmm, that sounds like the way the Powercrapper brakes usually die as well....:D :D
You'll know if you truly have no boost because old ladies in motorized shopping carts will pass you...

is it a new boost gauge or at least a newly installed gauge? if so did you 't' into a vac only source like the egr area? how does the car feel?
Its a Vdo gauge, i installed a while ago, and it work fine on the stock turbo, i was wondering if boost didn't kick in untill higher speeds with the 49, and i have it tapped into a vacuum line near the # 6 cyclinder, well unless the copper lining got rubbed through somowhere.
Sounds to me like a coincidence. You've got a problem with the gauge, not the turbo. Go race a Civic, if you lose then I might be wrong and it could be the turbo. :)