New to the GN world

The guy I bought it from and some engine builder in TN, it was done right, he didn't cut corner, which surprised me. Hey Turbo Indian if you ever get a chance drop that deere off by my house, got 15 acres behind here we are trying to clean up a little.........:biggrin:
Look me up some time. I live just north of Asheville in Weaverville. My parents live down at Lake Lure and my dad is the manager of Farm Bureau Insurance, right down the road from where you live. I work for Farm Bureau up here in the mountains!!!
Absolutely. I write business there and have to come take pictures of houses. I used to work with Darren Buckner... do you know Darren? Chris Taylor is one of my good buds but I can't get him back into the whole Buick scene. I had an 87 T-top car back in the mid 90's when Darren still had his old chevy truck.
Yep, know Chris and Darren, Phillip Almond, and all those guys. I have been messing with these things since 91-92.:smile:
I think I've seen your cars in a couple of magazine's. Did Johnny Lightning do a model of your grey car? We should meet up sometime when I'm in Canton. I'd love to see your cars. Check out my post in general discussion "STILL won't start". I'm having a time with mine right now.
Yeah man, that's me. Sounds good, I'll check out the thread on your problem. Hate you are having trouble with your car. :confused:
We should get a group together to go to the rod run in the spring. I know the prices on hotels are rediculous but you don't see many of our cars there.
I am in, I go every year, spring and fall run. I usually take one of my Camaro's up with me. Put when I go this time, it will be my first time with my GN :D