New Stock Location Intercooler just came in!!!


Nov 5, 2007
Just got my stock location intercooler from GN1performance, and man this thing looks awesome!!! Picked it up for super cheap compared to other guy's prices too!

Now let's see how it flows!!! Will post pics of install later.....

Matter of fact if this is who I think it is, I saw your post about the WCN. I will find out for sure before I continue....
I guess you think we are just dumb... You get banned on the 3rd and you rejoin under this name on the 5th after talking all that junk on other boards. I will give you a chance to man up and admit this and I will let it go. If not we will take it from there....

This has nothing to do with the I/C deal. This is a banned member logging in under a new name and personality.

Balls in your court!
I'm the other guy. I'll just ship it to china too & build it for $100 & sell it for $200. :rolleyes:

Tell "Archie" or the other personality, to Round the top corners of the frame instead of being squared off so when he installs the shroud it will fit. (If) they welded the front cover on the inside the weld will raise it up about 3/8".
You can copy but you have to get it right ;)
Oh shyt now you have to send 500 IC's back to china LMAO!:biggrin:

Oh hell I just noticed the bottoms they are rounded like mine. No big deal just slice the tanks off & put the core on right side up. Copied it & installed the core up side down. :eek: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Ive heard that that gn1 intercoolor is like a 2 litre bottle with alum foil and the works drain cleaner all tossed together when its under this correct?
compliments of HYE Tech Performance

Ive heard that that gn1 intercoolor is like a 2 litre bottle with alum foil and the works drain cleaner all tossed together when its under this correct?

This is why we had to send Sod 1 of our front mounts that had a gn-1 2006 big boy on it


  • GN-1 performance.jpg
    GN-1 performance.jpg
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If you have any questions regarding my identity, you can call me at 562-353-0315, I will be @ work until 2.30am please call in the afternoon.
I've seen this intercooler in person and everything is nice about it good quality intercooler!

*plus I guess its ok to talk about ur own supplier when u owe him $26k...... ;)
No offense to whoever, but this China knock off phase has got to end. I mean seriously, how much harder would it have been to come up with your own specs and then have the chinese fusk that one up?

Bolt in pieces should be bolt in, if it means $300 more vs. 8-40 hours of my time reworking something, then I saved money. Also, the identity ruse's to hock goods in here is an insult to our intelligence.

The trend of the quality vendors bailing out and the Made In China invasion at hand is disconcerting. :(
I guess the proofs in the pudding... Im a cheapskate (for now, cuz of my job, but not for long!) Ya just gotta come out the money, if you want to put a quality piece on your car. Theres no way around it I guess. How much is that IC. 500? So I guess its 750 now (from bweavy) or a thousand later.
The trend of the quality vendors bailing out and the Made In China invasion at hand is disconcerting. :(

And sadly, its going to get worse before it gets better.. if it ever gets better.

All these knock off artists are in this to make a buck off of the Buick guys and when the market is bled dry, they'll move on to another one.