New guy from the San Diego Area


Aug 16, 2009
Hey whats up fellas/gals my name is Andy but everyone calls me Flaco. Anywho found out about this sight when I bought my 87 GN. it's all original, paint, interior, turbo. I'll post some pics up soon. i just had one question is this site related to seems like the same set up:confused:
Welcome to the site. What part of SD are you in? I'm up in Fallbrook (north county sd). There are a few other buick guys around the area.
This site is packed with good info if you are looking to learn about your car.
I'm from the Escondido area. North county as well. I have seen at least one more GN around town during cruising Grand Ave. I would very much like to learn all I can about my GN. Any help is greatly appreciated. First on my list is a scan master.
Welcome Andy. To answer your question, the one with the S on the end was started after there were some issues about selling things and feedback about the vendors on this board, this was long before Shane (SGRIM) bought the board. Be prepaired to get some flaco about your flacolents and maybe a few guys will hold their noses. LOL I had to try.
Welcome to the forum. Don't forget to check out the regional area "Southwestern Section" at the bottom of the menu. This is the biggest & best of all of the turbo Buick sites / forums / boards.