My wife's and my new toy!


Staff member
Aug 20, 2001
After a little while away, my wife and I could not stay away from the Dark side. My wife Jackie actually wanted a 5.0 mustang, but she decided it would more fun to get another Buick and enjoy it together. She goes by the nick name, "trouble" on this forum for obvious reasons and I am sure she will be posting more about our new toy.

Jackie took some shots of the GN today, thought I would share...

Our daughter is already refering to it as "her Grand National"...I may be in double trouble LOL...








*first "mod" LOL, Jackie ordered it and it arrived the same day as the GN*

My awesome wife also came up with this plate...should be here soon!
Thanks :D I am in LOVE with this car and am so glad we opted for a GN instead of a 5.0. I miss having BOOST LOL! Glad the weather held out so I could get a couple of shots of her today. Can not WAIT to take her to the track and see how my 60' compare to Alex's ;)
Great pictures, car looks really good bro! I'm sure you guys will enjoy it.:cool:
That sure is a shiney new toy! What mods?
I thought I recognized that street in the one photo. Is that the street that is in alot of movies with the live oaks and hanging moss?
Nice pics btw.
That is because I claybar'd the entire vehicle and then did 6 coats of "Topcoat" :eek: :cool:

hello; tell me about the clay bar work. I know what it is but never used it. Was it like night and day effect or did it just make it smmooth to the touch and clean?
It's stock with a K&N and exhaust. Now where's the nearest Mustang meet? :eek: :cool: :biggrin:

Congrats man. I can't wait to get in some trouble :biggrin:

Ill cover your bail money if you cover mine lol.