Monthly meeting @ Towers-9/26.

Almost forgot!

My GN is my daily driver, but I NEVER seem to get to race anyone.

Today, on the way to the game, I got to race a Z06.

I didn't get to leave with any boost (traffic light turned to fast), and I had a bunch of PC's in my trunk, AND I had four people in the car. Still ran neck and neck for about 1/8th mile until we got in to traffic...
Originally posted by jsta6
The fish clinched the wild card and my son and his friend got to meet ALL the players after the game!

Bad news was only one of them (Mordecai) signed his autograph.

How ghay is that? Panthers players used to sign autographs for 1/2 an hour...

Yeah anymore these Pro ball players are just business men and don't give a flying fock about the fans.......... It is messed up, but at least they got to meet the players......
hey 86brick, ill be at the marlins game too. go mets:D hey all you guys that were there at the towers last night , it was really cool hanging with you. some really nice cars there too.:D
Hey guys,

I had a great time friday night. I only wish we can have 25-30 cars out their one night like we did last year.

Boy wasn't that Viper something else!