Marijuana... Hate it or Love it???


Starvin Like Marvin...
Aug 9, 2009
Marijuana... it the talk of the week so far besides the flu... lets be honest, MANY people have done it and many people today still use it for the high or for medical use. People recently are going to jail left and right for small amounts of marijuana, and for most its a misdemeanor or a ticket, but for a large amount it a few months to years of hard time locked up.

Please Dont Get Upset @ me yet... and hear me out (now that i realize it... I should have posted this in the politics section)

marijuana does grow naturally in certain places of the world, its like the govornment trying to make grass illigal... marijuana is proven to be less lethal than smoking and drinking, no real physical side affects unless you smoke it, then you can go brain dead after what... 20 years or mor, (which also happens after years of heavy drinking but alcahol is an American Drink and wont EVER be banned again, marijuana is an all American Smoke... Like Virginia Slims or Newports), or you develop lung problems similar to smoking. All its really doing is shutting off a little oxygen and taking you to Neverland and Back for a bit.

So for the final rebuttle, I think that the govornment should treat it like alcahol and tobacco, and make it legal. they should (maybe) tax it and have an age limit such as 18 or 21, and they should have ALL colors, types, flavors, ect:biggrin:. Less people would go to jail, I believe that there would be less crime, and that people would buy it so the govornment could make a profit off of it and leave users the Hell alone. they should have "pot bars" as well.... Now you guys can Bit*h at me:biggrin: plus it would put large drug runners out of buisness... people like the Cocaine Cowboys.

Comments from Police officers, users, ex-users, govt workers, would be appreciated (please dont get 2 heated:mad: keep it cool man:cool:)
my 02

it's your body, wouldn't mind it being legalized for medical purposes. way less effects then prescription drugs and helps pain. as a guy who went through back trouble i can say i've been around it. a relative smokes trees of that stuff and yea he's lazy but still better then the alternative. there are alof of opinions and everyone is entitled to theirs. if they legalized it i'm sure the taxes collected would help with what our deficit is at and stuff. i know people who can smoke several blunts and drive better then sober people. that crap you hear about it messes with your senses, sure it does but it's less then what several beers can do. I'm sure there are cops who partake in a few puffs from time to time but regardless the government and states really need to free up jail space, court systems, and other resources that could be used for real criminals. not sure how most on this board feel but it's a good conversation post just hope the mod doesn't mind as he stated it was a G rated website. so now you guys can bash me too if you feel or agree and add your 02 cents.
Alcohol has ruined more lives and families than marijuana ever will, the only time pot will ruin a life is when you're caught with it.

Legalize it and tax it.

I do not smoke pot, but i would rather deal with a pothead than a drunk any day of the week..

Wow, Im posting too much.. 21 posts in 8 years?! Back to lurking! :cool:
This should be in the political section. We will see how it goes... These types of subjects can get heated quick....

My .02's!

It should be legal and TAXED! I rather deal with a pot head anyday than a drunk... How many deaths can be attributed per year to alcohol? How many to pot? Ever been in an altercation with someone high on pot? Now how many with drunks?

It grows naturally out of the ground and needs no processing... How much more NATURAL does something have to be:rolleyes:

IMO the only reason it is illegal is because of the money made off of alcohol... Research it and see who fought against it early in the 20th century and you will see... Money talks!

Tommy Chong is still alive:eek:
Alcohol has ruined more lives and families than marijuana ever will, the only time pot will ruin a life is when you're caught with it.

Legalize it and tax it.

I do not smoke pot, but i would rather deal with a pothead than a drunk any day of the week..

Wow, Im posting too much.. 21 posts in 8 years?! Back to lurking! :cool:

before sgrims wish comes true, I want to say thank you TOOLS for posting those wise words! feel free to come back out anytime

O and sgrim it isnt alky companies mainly blocking the legalization, they got money n power sure. But what they got is nothing compared to the medical and pharmacudical industries in terms of money, power, lobbyists or influence. The stuff grows naturally, and dosesn't kill you, but were taught its bad for you? Even if you didnt smoke it, growning certified non thc hemp has 1000000 uses and can be turned into countless ways to earn a profit. Imagin the revenue possibilities!
Shane I believe it was outlawed because of Dupont not being able to make a fiber that was stronger than hemp back in the day. I would like to see it legalized, if you want to smoke it, its your choice. I think the problem would be too many people growing it and the Gov't wouldnt be able to capitalize on the taxes. I know I would grow it, the plants smell I heard from a friend of a friend that knew a guy ;)
Shane I believe it was outlawed because of Dupont not being able to make a fiber that was stronger than hemp back in the day. I would like to see it legalized, if you want to smoke it, its your choice. I think the problem would be too many people growing it and the Gov't wouldnt be able to capitalize on the taxes. I know I would grow it, the plants smell I heard from a friend of a friend that knew a guy ;)

Dupont, I see that... Alcohol was part of it as well though...
Exactly, The government (Food and Drug Admin.) would never be able to control it. Also its much harder to detect when someone is under the influence.

I use to smoke pot for long time but nut anymore . pep never knew that i smoke reason that do'nt do it anymore found better high [my lord jesus]!!!: :D thats the high life!!:):)
I quit back in 1980! Probably would hit it once in a while if it was legal.:biggrin: Funny how cigarettes ARE legal and WILL kill you but pot isn't. It's not like you would be smoking packs of joints every day. Well, most people anyway.:)

The Feds would take in a ton of revenue and might help pay for all the BS that has been brought upon us lately. Less people in jail, less smuggling over the border, cops can do more important things, etc.

I think the argument that it would lead to abuse of more powerful substances is unfounded. I never went any farther myself. Used to drink a lot of beer and never graduated to the hard stuff.
Funny how cigarettes ARE legal and WILL kill you but pot isn't. .

That goes back to the main point that the government CANT keep people from growing it. Its so easy to grow, why would you EVER go to the store and buy it (its expensive).

I dont know many people who grow tobacco or make alcohol, because its HARD to do ... I know a ton of people growing WEEDS ---
Funny this thread came up. I can't say I have or have not done it in the past, I have friends that light up occasionally, so I'm giving a fair opinion I believe. One huge difference between pot and alcohol, one is legal, one is not. Regardless of if you think one is worse than the other or not, there is not a grey area, its black or white, legal or illegal.
I was outside just yesterday evening mowing the lawn, kids are on the swing set and BAM, I'm hit with the smell of pot. Now I live in a fairly conservative town, nice newer subdivision, most families are younger with children. We have one of the largest universities (TAMU) in the nation just down the road, so there are a few students also living in our nieghborhood.
At first I was suprised, then kinda laughed about it, then I started getting a little pissed. It probably would not have bothered me at all had it not been for my kids. Its kinda like this, I may have a drink but I don't get sh!t faced in front of my kids, no reason to show to them "its OK to be drunk" at their age. No they didn't ask "whats that smell", but it was the fact of of the matter. Another example, if your gay thats fine, don't put it out there for my kids to see, same with pot.
I guess it was the situation at the time that had me fired up, I popped over a few fences to try and find where the smell was coming from. Didn't find anybody and really don't know what I would have done had I did.
I know the point could be argued into the ground of wether pot is good or bad, arguing that alcohol is worse than pot, ect. There are alot worse drugs than pot, but it doesn't make it less illegal.
I normally don't respond on threads like this, but it is ironic that this just happened yesterday and I figured I would add my 2 cents. Not trying to step on any toes and not trying to say anybody is a bad person for smoking, we (most of us) have probably tested the waters or have been around it once or twice. I don't think it will ever be legalized, too many making a buck off of it being illegal.
Only in this country is growing/using marijuana a big deal. In other countries, it grows openly, wildly, it is a weed after all and no one pays it much attention.
Exactly, The government (Food and Drug Admin.) would never be able to control it. Also its much harder to detect when someone is under the influence.
Evoloution of alcohol-

First there was Moonshine, Then they legalized alcohol, Then making and selling moonshine was Illegal, Well moonshine is still being made to this day BUT alcohol is WAY BIGGER where sold legally and the government is making billions of it's taxes per year.

I belive that if Pot was to be legalized it would pretty much follow the same exact path as alcohol back when it was legalized. Yea it would still be grown but that would be Illegal-(just like moonshine today) Not sure of the costs today but I think the price would end up dropping quite a bit due to the vast places it would be available at. Ultimately It simply boils down to the government legalizing it PERIOD!

When was the last time you seen on the news that a stoner slid into a family of 6 and killed them?? I'm yet to see anything Close to the damage by a drunk compared to someone high...

Just adding my 0.02
Government might say it will contribute to the "growing" obesity problem in the country due to "the munchies".:)
I agree with many of the posts in that, it's way too easy to grow, so the all mighty gubment couldn't get their greedy paws on it's revenue potential. I don't think it should have any value, the only reason it has a value is because it's illegal. It may become legal in 20 years from now.

Like Willie said "there shouldn't be a war on flowers"

Funny to watch those DEA guys on TV get all horny when they find a patch growing, like they saved the world....from some flowers. GUNG-HO!! Way to spend the tax payers money flying helicopters around hunting for flowers.
Opiates are flowers too....Should we legalize Cocaine too? Just playing Devil's advocate and asking where does it stop and why?