many artifacts looted from iraqi museum

Red Regal T

Senior Member
May 24, 2001
........WHO GIVES A RAT'S ASS? :rolleyes:

How about the soldiers that found the stacks of money? Man, I would be hard pressed to not stash a few packs of those 100's in my backpack!:D Guess some of them did and got caught though.
I know. What happened to the good ole days when you kicked another country's butt and got to pillage what you wanted?
Originally posted by efi-street
I know. What happened to the good ole days when you kicked another country's butt and got to pillage what you wanted?
Thats what I'm saying the soldiers risk thier lives they should be able to keep things like enemy guns like that gold plated AK-47. As for stuff like artifacts that were stolen out of the museum thats a part of the Iraqis culture and should be given back.
I hope those that got a little greedy just get their hands smacked. Hell, I think they should divvy up all that money to our brave soldiers who risked their lives over there. Of course, a lion's share to the families of those who lost their lives.

As far as the museum pieces.......who would be eyeballing that place for looting? Yeah, you got it.......affluent people who were probably doing pretty good under Sadam. As soon as they saw Baghdad was going to fall, they grabbed all that "priceless" trash. I just went to the junkyard today and got stuff that should be worth more than that junk. :rolleyes: Anybody need rustfree doors for their TR?? :D
How about the soldiers that found the stacks of money? Man, I would be hard pressed to not stash a few packs of those 100's in my backpack! Guess some of them did and got caught though.
i would have not told my commanding officer and went awol for a few days to burry it all in the desert then after i get kicked out of the military and get out of prision i would take a trip over to syria and hike to where i burryed the cash and then high tail it to mexico
I got a kick out of watching those soldiers on the news!

"we found EIGHT boxes, each with FORTY million dollars in them! $320,000,000 total!"

heh heh, all I could think of was the metric system...seems there SHOULDA been TEN boxes with FIFTY million each (the way I see it, if they figured out how to stash $180,000,000 for themselves, more power to 'em!!)
