MAF trans problem


New Member
Sep 23, 2005
Car will not run at full throttle. I just changed the mass air pipe to a 4" pipe and the mass air senser along with the translator from Full Throttle. The problem is the car runs fine until i try to get into full throttle then the car pops and stalls. The dip switches are set at 123 are on and 4 is off. The dial is set at 9. The BLMs are 115 ish. The car ran fine until i changed the pipe mass air flow and IAC relocater.
I am having this same issue. If I roll the throttle slowly (from under hood in park) it will rev fine. If I "pop" the throttle the engine will die out then resume idle after I let go of the throttle.

I have posted this issue on Full Throttle's site. I think it is the 3.5" MAF I have. I am getting a new one right now and will test it this evening. If it's not that, there's a problem with the translator.

What chip are you using? By your dip settings I think someone elses chip or the Extender. I have the Extender Extreme and all dips are on and the dials are set at zero.

I will keep an eye on this thread and get back to you with my findings.

From what I have seen, something seems to be cutting spark or fuel under load. I get the popping too when I try to hold the throttle open. I have had a translator and 3.5" MAF on this car before with no issue.....same chip too.

It's 3:30pm here. I should get home around 5:00 or so and I will swap out MAFs and see what happens. Then i'll get back on here and let you know.

At least if it is your MAF, you can go get the Z06 sensor and stick it into that trick pipe. Can't return them though. My guy is letting me return this one if it is the problem. Then I will send the other new one back to Mike and get a replacement.
Replaced the MAF, same thing. I'm gonna try a 3" LT1 Maf tomorrow. (giving GM the benefit of the doubt).

There's a post over on Full Throttle under "ask Bob" where a dude had the same exact issues. Replaced the MAF and no problems.

I guess the benefit here is that i am currently getting infinite miles per gallon, but the three new MAfs are killing me.
gee i bought mine friday installed today same problem gets to about 10lbs.Hits a brick wall basically ,soon as i let off it idles then drives good but if i boost, junk.I ordered maf sensor will be at dealer tommorrow so will see..I put stock maf in works fine so i wonder what deal is....
Not me Rick, using the 3.5" LS1 sensor. 9 is for the 4" with the Z06 sensor right?

This is killing me. I know Mike will make it right, but I have to troubleshoot a lot before I give up.
using the 3.5" LS1 sensor. 9 is for the 4" with the Z06 sensor right?
9 for the 4" pipe with built in sensor.

This is killing me. I know Mike will make it right, but I have to troubleshoot a lot before I give up.

Did you have to do any splicing? Or was it all plug and play?
Little white stuff on top

Hey notacarlo that lil white stuff is the chicken urea:eek: , never seen a Rooster hike up his leg, take a leak right.:confused: Well the lil white thing is the equvilent of urine. You probably feelin like the chicken took a pi** on you and you can't even follow him across the road ! You'll get it fixed quit stressin:D
Talked to Mike at fullthrottle there is some sort of difference in the extream chip and the tt chip.He is going to get a hold of eric ,and bob and see where the difference is.
Talked to Mike at fullthrottle there is some sort of difference in the extream chip and the tt chip.He is going to get a hold of eric ,and bob and see where the difference is.

There is a difference between the extreme chip and the TT chip.

The difference being that the extreme chip is made to measure up to 768g/s of air to take advantage of the newer MAF.

I believe the TT chips still go to only 255g/s like a stock chip would.

If you set the translator to 9 I would guess that it is expecting to talk to an ECM with an Extreme chip.

Basically the ECM has 8 bits to move information, meaning it can read up to 255.

So if the actual measured air is 300g/s, the ECM will expect to see 100 (just a number) from the translator (this is with the extreme chip) BUT if a standard chip is used it will interpret that 100 as being 100g/s (when in actual fact it is 300g/s....

So that is why your fueling may be out of whack and why the car is down on power.....


EDIT: Actually this post was no help whatsoever as I read above that the DIP switches are set correctly to limit the output to 255.
So because of my error, we can keep this here as information and not really a contribution to the solution....sorry........But based on above it looks like the ECM is dumping alot of fuel into the engine, which can point to the MAF/ECM realtionship......
Here's a possible fix.

The dip switches are backwards. On mine, the upper left hand corner of the dip package says "on".

After 3 MAF's, possible faulty TPS I decided to invert the dip selection. Everything that was on is now off and vise versa. Started up and no drop out. I have not driven the car yet, but the drop out is certainly gone.

Give it a whack and see if this fixes your problem. I think there may have been a miss-print on the dip package.

found my problem this morning.....

After two days of chasing this LT-1, translator plus problem, I found that one of the plug and play connections can fit both ways. It looked connected because it was all connected when I got it. After going to vortex buick site and using the flow chart. I looked over all my connections and found that one was wrong. :)
9 out of 10 it will usually be bad connections or wrong settings.

Glad you guys are figuring it out. Isn't it fun? ;)