Low shift points, non performance 200-4R


Jan 9, 2004
I've got a '90 Olds Custom Cruiser with a 455 in front of my 200-4R. I plan on using this vehicle as my daily driver, and I occasionally tow (~2000lbs) with it.
It has an extremely low stall of around 1200RPM, I plan on replacing it with the D5 from my GN when I get a new one.

Back when I still had the 307, I realized my shift points at WOT were around 3600RPM.
Originally, it shifted around 3600RPM whatever gear I put it in, even if I held it in first.
I wanted to raise the shift points, so my friend decided messing with the TV cable would change things.
Though he couldn't make it shift higher in Drive or OD, he made it so it would stay in first gear until I took it out of first. Later on, I read that adjusting the TV cable that way was a terrible idea.

After adjusting the TV cable as described on gnttype.org, I'm back to it shifting at around 3600RPM even if I leave it in first gear.

I now have a 455 installed, which is rated for around 100 more HP and torque. My shift points are now around 3700RPM and take a fairly long time. The shifts are VERY soft. I purchased a TransGo shift kit, but not only am I not sure if I'd be competent enough to install it, I've also read some things on these forums that said that the TransGo kit isn't the greatest of ideas.

What's the safest, reliable way to raise my shift points? I'm looking for something around 4500 or so. Do I have to replace my valve body?

Is the TransGo shift kit a bad idea, or would it help to make my shifts firmer and possibly prolong the life of my tranny?

How difficult and time consuming would the TransGo shift kit installation be for someone who's transmission experience is limited to a couple of tranny fluid/filter changes?

The TCI shift kit is very simple and easy to install--very good shifts
You can raise your wot shift points by taking weight off the small weight on the governor. 1 gram = 200 rpm

I believe a factory GN small weight weighs 14.2 grams
Well, I already bought the TransGo kit, what I'm wondering is if it would be a bad idea to install it, and how hard it would be to install?
i think the trans go kit is not specifically engineered for turbo buicks,and that that kerry video is pretty funny.bush reminds me of an upper east side rich kid that went to the finest schools his parents could afford and never learned the difference betwen a red and green light.i say the next casualty of the iraq war should be george w bush,and it should be shown all over the tv like when they pulled down saddams statue.hiding under his mothers kitchen table when he was supposed to be in a battle.they sent his plane up so high the radar couldnt find him?where were you george,coward..kerrys a joke too.cant make up his mind whos side hes on.nice to see the media break him down in front of the public eye.its a shame most people wont see that hes another soft politician with a big mouth.there too busy fueling up there suvs ,smoking dope,beating there kids or gluing there eyes to the new world ruler .......the television set.gop convention,go home we got enough traffic and enough hot air around the city.youve picked a place where those of us who are smart enough to smell you dont want you around.
Woah, at least you managed to say one thing that was slightly on-topic, but far from answering anything.
Flip side of the coin, Mark... Are you unfamiliar with the kit in question?

PigGuy, your sig does feed a straight line in these politicised times.

As to your question... Does the kit require you to drill the valve body? That is pretty much irreversible, but then, with a non Hypo VB that may not be an issue.

Looks like you have two choices... play with what you have, or return it and get one from someone else. Several options- (the 3 most obvious to me in alphabetical order) CK's kit, PTS kit, and TCI. Ther are undoubtably others as well, but I'm a newbie (mostly) lurker.

If you let Jim know the color of the box he may recognize the kit..
I'm not sure about Chris's kits, but ours does not require any drilling and is completely reversable. Ours comes with a new GM valve body plate already drilled and pinned, along with the upper and lower gaskets, accumulator springs and new check balls. Also complete instructions for movement of several springs in the valve body. In my opinion, I wouldn't do a shift kit if it required physical alterations to the valve body itself.

The TransGo HD/Race kit does NOT require any drilling of the VB itself. It works fine..

I guess the older kit got a bad rep for it's drilling of the VB and uneffectiveness in a Hi-Po VB..

The TransGo kit can be done by an average do it yourself guy, I would suggest reading and re-reading the instructions to familiarize yourself with the necessary mods.

Mike Kurtz uses TransGo stuff in his builds in modded form...
Very respected in the 200-4R world.

I wouldn't hesitate to use a transGo kit.
It is almost identical to other highly recommended kits.

Haven't tried one of Chris's kits yet, but from the generous tech advice he's given me when I get ready to build my next 200 I'll try his.