Looking for a Buick Video


Oct 28, 2003
My old computer recently died and took with it all of my vids. I have found most of them but there is one I really liked that I can't find. It is set to a Led Zeppelin song (D'yer Maker I think) Any way it starts out with a GN spooling up with it's parking lights on and goes from there, does anyone know where I might find that vid? Thanks!!
Originally posted by cwelk87gn
My old computer recently died and took with it all of my vids. I have found most of them but there is one I really liked that I can't find. It is set to a Led Zeppelin song (D'yer Maker I think) Any way it starts out with a GN spooling up with it's parking lights on and goes from there, does anyone know where I might find that vid? Thanks!!

Im almost sure that was a video that Chris who owned buickpower.com made but the site is long gone now :( and i think he has even sold his GN since then but not sure about that..... il try and find another link for the video