Landlords and renting

Well, heres my update...

I did sign the lease, but only because I know that I can get out of it. I talked to a former real estate agent, and got his take on it. He says that since it states it as a month to month basis, I only have to give 30 days notice, and am not responsible for any further rent. In addition, the clause she has about having to stay for 12 months to get my deposit back is not enforceable since it reads as a month to month, so I can get it back anyway. All she has is that she expressed verbally that she wants me to stay until next year, nothing in writing.
My neighbor says that she just raised everyone elses rent in the park....whining to them about taxes, and her daughters college expenses, etc. She evicted one since they refused to pay the rent increase. Hes been in one of her apartments in the house here in the park for 4 years. Seems she inherited it from her father, but really doesnt know all that much about things.
So, basically, I figure I will stay until I find something decent, or winter hits....whichever comes first.