just to let every one know...


New Member
Jun 15, 2009
i'm from hear! i'm in afganistan and will becoming back in aug, i hope to met the local gn guys, i go to the grove but not as often as i like, when i get back i will be hooking up oakton for automotive classes bc i dont know as much as i should then i will be opening a car shop mixed with airsoft, i wanta do what i love for life. party on!
and i forgot, my dad is going through his midlife crissis and has a srt8 challenger and i think her just got an amx, i'll see what i can do about pulling some gta for track useage
that's cool. there are a few of us that are on the nw side and i'm sure would be more then willing to give you a hand.
THanks for everything you do.....I just got out of the Corps after 5 years and a tour in Iraq.......It was because of that tour I got my Grand National, so everytime I drive it I think of all of you guys over there sacrificing so I can be over here enjoying it.......Thanks again for everything
hell yeah, marine's rock, they are all down south in the real desert, kandahar, i got my gn on leave, it was all i thought about befor going on leave, seeing it for the first time was liek something out of the movies, i put my combat action badge in the inside on the roof, that way i know what i when through to get the car, as far for me and my combat tour, my MRAP hit a 30lbs IED in march i have a torn menisus from it, i need surgery and since i'm gurd i can get it in chicago, and my unit is jackin me around on the purple heart bc thats how military police companys roll, well our headquarters part any way lol
I have the utmost respect for those who serves this country. It is people like you whom put your lives on the line so people like us can enjoy our freedom. We appreciate all you do and we are extremely grateful. When you get back, I will be more than glad to help you with anything you need. When it comes to Turbo Buicks we are like a big family here, we are all brothers with one mission.

33rd BCT?

Had a bunch of good friends from the Chitown area just leave here. Where you at? Im at FOB Vulcan. Take care and be safe.
thanks for teh good words, i was saposta be with the 33bct but we insted whent off to the 1st of the 503ed, we had our own fob down in paktikia, then we moved to sharrana expecting to go to oe, insted we are at salnano waiting for a IN guard unit so we can RIP them on a area we know nothing about, i love the army, they really think this stuff through, you take care too
Hey, you back yet? You guys have similiar stories as mine.
I got my gn from my combat pay as well. Everytime I get in mine, I too remember what I had to do to get it, and think about all the rest of my guys over there. I'm now finishing up this 2nd tour (now I have both OIF & OEF bumper stickers :) and will be back in the land of the big px in about 40 days. I'm very excited, though VERY pissed I missed 2 seasons of racing, 2 seasons of baseball and softball, and I've see my girlfriend of over a year, for 3 whole months lol. Be safe.