Is it possible to convert seats from 4 door to a 2 door?


New Member
Sep 2, 2002
Does anyone know if it is possible to modfiy seats from a 4 door, so they tilt forward enough to be used in our 2 door cars? Looking at a set from a Pontiac Grand Prix GTP, but they are from a 4door, tilt back, but not forward enough to allow good access to rear seat. Any info and ideas is appreciated.
Red Regal T has done the most extensive work on these interiors. Look for the threads in the Junkyard Dogs section. He put in some black leather seats that (I believe) were from a 4 door. He also had to take out his center console. Pics are on line somewhere. I found a great set of seats from a 4 door Sedan de Ville but didn't want to mess with the fronts. Took the backs tho ...
I did see his post and pics of his interior, very nice. He mentioned in his post that the seats do not tilt forward, and that getting in and out of the back seat is difficult but he did not care since no one sat back there. I have 5 year old triplets in and out of my car daily so I would need to be able to tilt it forward.