Is it false knock???


Feb 16, 2002
Hey guys I was just wondering. When I nail it my scanmaster readings go from about 16 degrees to about 5 to 2 to 0, and it's pretty constant like that. Everytime I hit it the readings are similar. Is this false knock? I'm thinking of buying an engine torque strap to see if that helps, but until then what do you guys think, is it false or not? By the way i get around the same amt of degrees of knock whether its 12 noon or 12 midnight and my millivolt readings are around 850 at WOT.

Thanks guys,
I was looking at your info and it looks like you have a decent setup. This is what I do to look for false nock. Drain Tank. Put in 5 Gal of VPC16 race fuel. Use your street timing chip. Set boost to 16 to 18 psi. Now nail it. If you get knock now, start looking for things banging or knocking around, you are getting false knock. I also would not recommend a torque strap. go to and get yourself one or two good poly motor mounts. This will save you alot of headache if you are dealing with downpipe interference or engine mount problems. Hope this helps.