I'm all growns up

That's actually a great idea. Since when is making money an old mans game? What you have to remember is that no matter what career you chose. It takes about ten years to be good at anything.Most of all you got to have balls, patience & a healthy amount of self confidence to become successful. Life has away of eating up those that don't,won't or can't.

I should really check my spelling before I submit :rolleyes:

Its an old mans game becuase being a 23 year old it is dificult to tell a client, who has owned his own company for the last 30 years and has been the "King'" what his company is really worth on the market compared to what he "thinks" its worth...They ussually price it on their own hundreds of thousands higher than real market value.

But, I am going to give it a shot, of course my hard work will determine my success.
<3 Phil