I messed with the adjustable turbo rod now i am lost?


New Member
Jun 3, 2002
Is there a correct way to set the adjustable att. rod for the turbo. In a fleeting moment of stupidity i adjusted it without making a reference mark. Now i have no clue as to wether i am "in" or "out" from where it was originally.
Lengthen the rod so that you need to pull it about 1/8" to connect the puck lever. This will give you minimum boost level. Take the car out, go to wot and see how many pounds of boost you're getting. To increase boost, shorten the rod one turn at a time. The rule of thumb is one pound of boost per one full turn of the rod. This is only an approximation, so let the boost gauge be your guide. I'm assuming you have an aftermarket boost gauge and are not using the useless oem dash gauge.
Rod In = FUN

I'd put a manual boost controller on it and then set MBC to add 2psi from your actuator setting ( 12psi is non HD ) and then screw in the rod for the rest. It spools up like a beast and generally every 360 turn in is 1psi.
Dash Brake light flash

Okay so I have my 87 gn for 14 years I bought it with 46k and it now has 50k on it but I want to drive and hobby race it once and a while again..
Sorry but last time I played with my gn was about 5 years ago and man has the technology changed..
Any how here is what I am up against...
What is a manual boost controller...your not talking about the rod are you?
Or are you talking about something that is installe inside of the car?
Sorry to come off dumb here but...well I guess there is no butts about it I am now dumb when it comes to the new tech on these cars!