i have nothing else to say except that im sorry....


Aug 14, 2008
im sorry guys for flipping out the other day i know every single person has problems some more than others and some that arent comparible than what im going through now but for me it has never hit a point this low

im not here to whine or to tell any sob storys or feel bad for me i just want you to understand where im coming from

within the past 2 weeks
i left the house
lost a girlfriend of 3 years
lost a cousin who i consider closer than my own brother
and have a father who is bipolar,OCD, and adhd pretty much the worst combination you can ever have in some one to top it off made everything a thousand times worse
and than the issue with the car

im sorry if i kinda got really upset or flipped out i just had enough of alot of people saying **** to me and just really getting on my nerves i just couldnt take it any more

everything is cooling down i moved back home, got some good time in with the girlfriend again haha and started talking to padre again but some pains will take alot longer to go away thats why i just got a new tat on my fore arm with that prayer in my sig. i read it every morning since i got it and since than everything has been turning around or i just look at alot of things differently some times its hard to always look at teh bright side and stay happy but when the bright side starts to get very dim to the point of darkness is when you become the strongest

if you wanna get some facts straight for some of you that dont know me that well

my names rob n
from clifton nj
half syrian half italian
parents divorced moved in with mother 2 years ago to get away from teh crazyness
my moms a teacher and me and my dad have been at his shop since i can remember, yea i remember doing oil changes when i was 10 and he used to hold my hand with the air gun takeing off wheels and such and since the past years everything has just been moving forward there hasnt been one job i couldnt do or one problem i couldnt figure out. i work on everything from mercedes to hyandui and take in every job i get and always gets done right no matter what and treat every car like its my own. from ecus to ball joints to motors to wiring problems to detailing cars i been doing it all since i can walk

my first car was a 95 eagle talon tsi swapped a 6 bolt 1g engine with a big turbo and fuel and all those goodies to get to 458 AWHP than parted it out due to reliability problems and any one that ever owned a DSM will know what i mean

than i baught my first american car 2000 trans am blk on blk 6 speed t tops this car was amazing threw some heads cam full intake and exhaust i was pushing close to 500 rwhp and got rid of it in october

now i got my dream car since before i can remember what a turbo even was
my lifes goal was to own one of these cars, everything about it was just me written all over it.

all of those cars were built with my own 2 hands with countless dollars or thousands of dollars i should say and with weeks of labor into all of them and espescially recently staying from 8 am to 6 am straight but it always pays off, always.

and my way out of everything was pretty much my cars and working on them i got down over something i would go straight to the shop and relax

i am by no means one of those idiot kids with some stupid civic or weird cars like that my taste in cars really exceeds my age

i do consider my self very different than my friends with my easy going attitude and life style and take **** how it comes and say **** it

i really learned this month the most important things you have in life are family, health, friends and,


thanks guys for sticking with me through all this bull **** i put you through and would liek to just start fresh my ears are open to all your opinions and suggestions and believe me when i say that

thanks i hope we can get past this and again im sorry but we all know what its like through rough times and im just happy i will always have a brotherhood like no other!
Takes a big man to step up and apoligize like that. Lost my best friend to a gunshot when I was about the same age as you man. It sucked and I still think about him often. I am 40 now. Any time you need help just ask, there will be a few wise asses like anywhere else but they are usually the ones that these cars are kicking their butts to lol. Mine still makes me pull my freaking hair out sometimes !!!!! Lots of great guys on here though that will try to help you. Anytime I can help yah feel free to PM me and if I can , I will. Still learning myself and I have had mine for about 4-5 years now. Lots to learn on these crazy critters hahahaha. Take care Daniel Ray
Its cool. Just listen to what people have to say. I'm also with NeedBoost, takes a big person to admit when they are wrong. PM GNXTC2 if you need someone to help you.
Its cool. Just listen to what people have to say. I'm also with NeedBoost, takes a big person to admit when they are wrong. PM GNXTC2 if you need someone to help you.

Get your life in order, thats important. That car isnt. Please PM Billy to help with the car. (gnxtc2)
I would not take anything said or read on this board or any other too serious. It's just a bounch of opinions. You know what they say about opinions.... You still have ur TR;)
Get your life in order, thats important. That car isnt. Please PM Billy to help with the car. (gnxtc2)

X2 with John on this. the car can wait. If you get freaked walk away for a while until you calm down and get your head straight. I've been beating mine for 2 years and have finally gotten a break. My original project will become a parts car and the new one is the same year I graduated from High School. Lots to do and not much $ for sure. See what happens and do a LOT of making up with your lady.:eek: :biggrin: