I confess I'm a turboholic

snake oil

Snake oil
Feb 4, 2008
Hi my name is snake oil and I'm a turboholic:eek:

I admit I got hooked in 2001 and have been hittin' it ever since.

Snake oil
Thanks for the welcome

Her is a pic (I think)
Posting a pic I think....

Hey how about that it worked!!!
Lets see 3.8 GN was stock now... well not so much heads cam, DFI, well you guys know...
It's a very contagious sickness..............
GN motor

Yes it was born w/ a GN motor in 1991.
It started out as stock and well let's say it's been evolving ever since.
I am the second owner, although it used to be blue in color.
Personaly I thing it looks much better in Black!


Sorry I don't have any pics at home of the motor.
I'll post some later.

Started out as stock and well let's say it's been evolving ever since.
Byron dragway "The Payground of Power"

John is a friend of mine.
I'm not sure when the video was taken I may have been ther that day.
But yep those are my boys!

We belong to Windy City Cobra Club.:cool:
i took that video this year 10/18 when your club was at byron.Anyways like i said before welcome home to the darkside;)
Welcome aboard. A little help for you posting pics. If you click on post reply and wait until it fully loads you need to page down and look for "manage attachments". Click on that and you can load from your puter or a URL.
:eek: Bob Bondurant signing John's car He (Bob) was having a blast drivin Johns car that day!


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Now if you'd go to your user controls and add some info like location and sig you'd be good. LOL

Thanks for the generous comments and warm welcome.

Thanks for all the tips on posting pics, and entering info on my profile.:biggrin: