How to fix a paint problem...


You've gotta try this!
Sep 2, 2001
I'm by no means an expert of body work or paint. However, I had my Buick painted a few years back. Unfortunately on the rear quarter panels, the paint had a problem with "shrinking". This is what I was told by the people who painted it. Well, I waited and waited for them to be able to fix it, but it just never happened. Now I've been told that I might be able to wet sand it out. Could anyone please give me information or help on how to cure this problem.

I'm working on summer projects and this definately is on my list. Thanks.
Depends on how deep the blemish is and how much paint is on the car. You could sand through to primer. Also, when you wet sand an area, it will have no texture and the rest of the car will. Is it that the paint "shrunk" into some bodywork?
As it was described to me, they stripped the roof, hood, and trunk, but for some reason, not the rear quarters. They said it was a reaction to the paint underneath that was "shrinking".

Hope that helps.
The same thing happened to my when I got my GN repainted .They told me the only way to fix was to wet sand and then if that didn't work strip down to the bare metal & repaint . No way I was going to go through all that to make the car look worse. I didn't spend all that $ for a crappy paint job.
Hard to describe...

I'll try my best.. if I had it in front of me, I could send a pic.

Where it was painted correctly, the paint is smooth, clear.. a nice mirror. However, where it "shrunk" it looks like the paint is wrinkled. At first the whole car was beautiful but as time and the winter went on, I noticed a small hole where the wrinkle started them moved further around the rear quarters. As I recall, you can even feel it with your hand. I will try to get a pic if I can.

Thanks for the help.