How much power with a 60-1?

Wow, that is pretty impressive. You're orders of magnitude ahead me in knowledge. I know the components, just don't know the associations. Maybe I won't get much more out of my setup. However, I will continue to read and try and make educated decisions in the future.

I'm with you. I know the components but not necessarily what parts work best with each other. Threads like this put me two steps forward and one step back. Lots of info to decifer. I have my own build I'm doing at the moment but I won't ask what turbo to use because I don't want to get flamed. I just use the search option and try and learn myself.:) Maybe I will get the balls to ask if I can't figure it out.

Bison, I read a lot of your threads/post's and I must say, you are one smart fahcker.;) I wish you lived around me!