How many hours a week do you put in at work?

40 paid hours a week...45 technical hours a week at work (M-F 8-5 p.m. 1 hour lunches)
Originally posted by bundys gn
usually 65 to 75 hrs a week when i'm working.I didn't work very much this year.But did just come off a 50 week job up in CT.I'm a pipe liner. Then me and my brother have a 100 acre farm that keeps us busy.

So you finished up in CT? Got out of here just before the cold weather starts hitting. Did you ever make it to any car shows while you were here? Was a pleasure meeting you when you dropped by the Turbo Regal Custom Parts headquarters.:D
I also work 12 hour shifts.......3 on 4 off 4 on 3 off...switch sides of the week every two months or so........switch night to days every year. I will probably looking for something new next year as it is going to be to hard on my marriage....I get married in like two weeks:D I work on a printing press. Lots of overtime too. Usually between 48 and 60 hours a week. But, working nights sucks and I have no energy on my days off. I find myself tired at 9pm at night on a night off and wide awake at midnight until about 4 am....:( I just wish I knew for sure what I want to do with my life!!:mad:

Later, Nick
Freight business.

10 am to 10 pm Mon to Thurs each week. 48 hours salaried.

No such thing as OT.
from late june to last week i was starting work between
4:00- 4:15 am and working to 5:00 -6:00 PM Monday thru Friday
Saturday 4am to Noon 65-73 hours per week every week.

its nice walking into work on thursday morning and getting overtime, damn i worked alot of hours.

i work on heavy machinery for a rental company, it breaks down, they ship it in and i fix it that day/week depending on parts. Excavators, Loaders, Dozers, Dump trucks, Skid steers,40- 120'Booms, scizzors, light towers, 150,000 - 3.5 million BTU heaters ect ect ect about 12 million in equipment that i get to work on-

someone thought it would be a good idea to fire 3 mechanics and give us all the overtime that we wanted-

Works for me :cool:

I do anywhere from 30-55 hours a week. If we run out of work I just go home at lunch time. Wait till it starts snowing and I'll be doing 60+ hours a week. (body shop) We start early (5:30) so the rest of the day isnt shot by the time we're done for the day.
0 hours. Hey every day is a day off with pay.....

Back to reality.

60 hrs a week usually. Then some weeks, I do not work really at all.
Pretty stable, do about 9:30 - 5:30 with an hour lunch, so it's more like 35 hours a week of work (not counting the times like now when I'm not doing anything and instead posting on the Internet). I do .NET programming, but at the moment there is a lot of mundane data entry crap that I do as well.
Now, I am working 45 hours a week and taking 17 hours of classes at the University. Summer time varies from 55-72 hours per week. Ahh, the sweet sweet overtime that keeps my Buick running:eek:
Originally posted by 1QUICK85
I work on a printing press. Lots of overtime too. k

I did that for 4 years... My boss was great (We used to go out drinking and to strip clubs all the time), but I hated the job. Hands were always stained up, and cracked because of all the chemicals... Paper jams, ink problems, cranky customers, constantly broken equipment... Nope, can't say I miss it. Then again, I don't really like what I do now either (Cad drafting). SSDJ (Same sh*t, different job) *shrug*
I know exactly what you mean about your hands(mine actually break out between my knuckles and wrist) and ya I am not the most thrilled about my job either, of course it would probably be better if my boss was cool. I am still young have a little time to figure it all out.;)