HOT ROD magaizine, no respect for Grand Nationals

don't let uneducated assclowns get you down brother. its the weekend enjoy. prove them wrong by spanking some ford mudstain ass, wrx, ect, ect. I have stated many times get a good look at the front of my GN because youre about to get a good long look at the back!
Maybe they just got smoked by a GN(or excuse me, grandma car) and decided to write an article expressing their sensitivity. If the GN(and other TR's) are grandma cars, then the Corvette must be worse huh? Didn't the turbo6 mop the floor with v8's back in the day Hot Rod? Well, how many articles have you written that put down the Vette? My guess is...very little. :rolleyes:
I figured the pictured car was a clone. With the emblems in the wrong place, missing the hood script, clear marker lights and those ugly ass wheels, it's probably not a GN. ... That's checkbook "hotrodding" (with the wrong catalogs! :) )
Don't forget it also says they came with diesel engines. for emissions loop hole.
86 Regal W-11/CC-1T Type
Someone needs to head over and do some burnouts in their parking lot. You will need to also put on a old blue haired lady wig beforehand and a flower print moomoo.

Please don't dig out your Halloween costume to do it Shawn.:eek: :p:D
Dear hot rod magazine,

I know ( we know ) you check in here. Thanks for the the informative write up on the turbo Buick. You have given us so much to think about. I'm ( we're) glad that you are such a superior source of information. If it weren't for you, we would not be in the 8's with our grocery getters. God we would be so late for work every day with our daily drivers if we didn't have such a good source of un biased info. We think think of you every time we fill up at the gas station once a week if that, then drive to the track, wipe out 90% of everything there, then go home for a nap.

Point being....we are not 16 years old. We are at the root of modern day tuning. The difference is....we do it with 27+ year old cars with a very limited aftermarket. Our aftermarket is us

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
hot rod magazine makes millions of dollars off of people like you and me;
mostly people like you because i dont buy it.
I can't tell if this is taking out the "old" free Hemi or installing the "new" free Hemi they put in this car that they never drive.

Who does that kind of work in flip flops?
I suppose the douche bag holding the light perhaps.
Classy setup these experts have.
The neighbors must just love them.
Out front at 10 at night pulling an engine - real classy.
We all know you do your best work at night, with a 60 watt light bulb - in the driveway.
Bet they're waiting for "the renters next door" to skip town I'm guessing.
Ah just look at the source. Just tell them to read the new GM high tech performance and ask them what granny needs to run 8's to go to the grocery store.
Don't forget it also says they came with diesel engines. for emissions loop hole.
86 Regal W-11/CC-1T Type

Yea- that's sort of an odd statement.
I'm not familiar with any loophole you would get from having an oil burner.
And I'd have to look - but I sure don't recall many (any) G-bodies having diesels.
They just puke things up as rag copy and print it.
They don't even know what they re talking about most of the time since they are more intent on trying to be cute and edgy.

Edmunds too IMHO.
Those d-bags got on my last nerve with their short term / non-long term GN test writings.
Especially Mark Takahashi - writing a lot of the articles.
He was the worst at trying to be cute. Instead - He just sounded so lame.

The best chuckle I got was the Edmunds staged photo op they did with Mark Reuss, where he's allegedly rubbing elbows with the commoners - and is driving a Grand National.
Hands positioned perfectly at 10 and 2.
With french cuffs - he looked like a dandy - and a toad.
I'm guessing the diesel VIN would get you a tag without having to provide emissions inspections. Then you could put the crappiest engine in the worst state of tune in there and get away with it.
No offense guys but who gives a shit what this rag publishes?

A few points of interest... A little something to remember, and something funny.

So I have owned my GN for about 8 months now, and if I have learned anything about these cars and perceptions from other people is that MOST have no idea.. Except for the fact they remember them being fast. However, it's also common to hear many misconceptions about these cars, and that is what is happening here. I believe they are trying to lump all G body cars together... And that in itself is the problem.

We all know the GN was different, and with mild bolt-ons and tuning these cars were real killers.

Now my mother is in her 60's, she's a grandma and she loves my car. Her daily driver is a 6 speed Mach 1 Mustang, with plenty of mods to send the wary street warrior home crying... But she has said many times that she loves the fact that my GN is so stealth and mean looking. Yeah my mom is a hot rod grannie.
Who does that kind of work in flip flops?
I suppose the douche bag holding the light perhaps.
Classy setup these experts have.
The neighbors must just love them.
Out front at 10 at night pulling an engine - real classy.
We all know you do your best work at night, with a 60 watt light bulb - in the driveway.
Bet they're waiting for "the renters next door" to skip town I'm guessing.

Yea,they look real professional look at the mess under the car never heard of a drain pan how would you like laying in that mess buttoning up the underneath.I know they could move it I'm just saying ???
No offense guys but who gives a shit what this rag publishes?

A few points of interest... A little something to remember, and something funny.

So I have owned my GN for about 8 months now, and if I have learned anything about these cars and perceptions from other people is that MOST have no idea.. Except for the fact they remember them being fast. However, it's also common to hear many misconceptions about these cars, and that is what is happening here. I believe they are trying to lump all G body cars together... And that in itself is the problem.

We all know the GN was different, and with mild bolt-ons and tuning these cars were real killers.

Now my mother is in her 60's, she's a grandma and she loves my car. Her daily driver is a 6 speed Mach 1 Mustang, with plenty of mods to send the wary street warrior home crying... But she has said many times that she loves the fact that my GN is so stealth and mean looking. Yeah my mom is a hot rod grannie.

That's cool.My wife has never drove any of the 3 turbo buick's i've owned says she not messing with that shifter thingy (b&m shifter) lol.
At least you guys aren't wrong real drive, have no idea what lack of respect is ;-). At least the GN makes magazine articles.
Someone needs to head over and do some burnouts in their parking lot. You will need to also put on a old blue haired lady wig beforehand and a flower print moomoo.
WooHoo! What's the address?!

86 T-type modified
86 T-type. Lightly modified
So we buy these cars to be different. We buy them because not too many people know what they are and we can surprise them at a stop light or at the track. Now you guys are all pissed off because the car that not too many people know about isn't getting "respect". Make up your minds on what you want. You sound like a bunch of women. You want a universally accepted car, buy a vette or mustang. If you can't handle owning an "under dog", then don't.