help on lock up assist tube


Jun 16, 2004
hey fellas i need help on my tranny. i had bought me a multi disc vigilante for my ttype and it came with this lock up assit kit thing.
i have never done this before but willing to try can yall give me advice. from the instructions it don't look that hard. but will anything happen when i unbolt the pump? do i have to set any preload thing or anything. need help please:( :confused:

I got mine when they first started using the multi dics. I also ordered the lockup tube kit. Years ago!! At that time there was very little instructions. If I am thinking right---you should not need to disassemble the pump. Remove the lockup valve snap ring and all parts inside the bore. You can blow air in the bore (lockup bore) as you drill out the hole. The other hole that goes in the pump suction side can be washed out. Actually it would probably be easier to take the pump apart. You will need a large screw clamp like goes on a rad. hose to line the 2 pump halves up when you put back together the 2 halves. Pretty simple really. Make sure you seal the tube kit so it CAN NOT leak since it is on the suction side of the trans pump. VERY important info that they failed to mention when I got mine. Don/t know what their instructions say now. It does work.
On my spare trans I made my own kit using an o-ring on the bolt end and a 1/8 npt on the pump bore---best of luck.
:eek: thanks there Lee. but i went and had Don at DRW just do it for me. come to find out my tranny was going to sh*t better safe than never i was about to install my new vigilante converter in it too that would off been crapy if the tranny went and eat up my new converter too. So Don and Wayne at DRW if your out there thanx bros. And the darn good price for a full rebuild!
:D and good luck on your beast. can't wait to see it at barona.
I wish you the best of luck on your DRW rebuild. Don and Wayne are real nice when you come in with new business, but should you need to come back on work they already did, you will meet two new individuals. Customer service on warranty work is not their strong suit from my personal experience and many others I have heard from since my situation occured. I have been told Don does good work by others in the non Buick community, but they too have had issues with his so called warranties.

Good luck.:rolleyes:
:D haha! thats pretty good Neil. I don't get warranty Neil due
to having a transbrake in the car. dr destructo and the gate keeper that is too funny. i was ready to race this saturday but rained out at carlsbad. next time. but as of right now i'm pretty happy with the tranny. i'm glad i got that vigilante too;)
:confused: thats funny but why dr. destructo and gatekeeper Neil?:confused: iheard lots of good things from these folks. Not only did Don hooked me up with the tranny i brought it in 1 day
told Wayne what i wanted and the next day Don worked on it until it was done and that was after working hours. he busted his a$$ just so my car would be able to race the next day at carlsbad, too bad it rained out. now for the warranty thing i told
wayne upfront what i had in the car and what i wanted to do including the transbrake. thats why i didn't get no warranty.
plus i had the transbrake in there before they worked on it.
it was all my choice to run what i had and nothing to hide. anyways the tranny is kickin a$$ and i like it. i think thats all that matters that i'm satisfied. cause nobody drives it but me. the last tranny they did lasted 230 thousand miles of daily beating and weekend raced. o well thats just me i'm sure there are others out there satisfied with their work. plus they don't bad mouth anybody else:D i can't wait to see Don's car run:eek:

"Dr. Destructo" is nickname given to Don years ago by the Turbo Buick guys sort of like we have a guy we call "Tweeker", "Hot Rod"etc. Actually I think it was "Dr. Destructo Methanol Madman" as I recall. You get the picture.

Don calls Wayne his "Gatekeeper". Not sure why or how come he thinks he needs one but that's where that nickname comes from. I'm looking forward to seeing Don's creation run too. It would be nice to see the car at the track again. BTW, why did you want to go with a trans brake? Are you planning to run 9's? ;)

:) well Neil i have 1 year left here in san diego cause i'll be getting
stationed in Japan. i'm gonna do whatever it takes to get the car to move. I knew you were gonna ask me that. i know its a poor excuse but i'll never know unless i try and find out myself. o ya
i finally found the right jets to use for the Juice. if it goes boom
it goes boom. hopefully it won't. i know the buick community stays away from this but i hear one guy running the Juice having good results i think his name is galoush. stoopid? ya maybe?
the engines got like 200 plus miles, but still together. we'll just see. :)
Originally posted by 750H.P.V6
BTW, why did you want to go with a trans brake? Are you planning to run 9's? ;)

He's trying to get the Buick to run with his bike.:D Busa ran 9.9's bone stock. Probably in the 8's now after the turbo went on.:eek: Crazy mo fo, Abner
;) Got jokes huh Frank. well your probly right:D . darn that speed bug. and yes the Busa does run 8's but i'm getting a better set up from Mr Turbo bigger intercooler:eek: bigger turbo:eek: bigger injectors:eek: etc. just gotta bring the bike to texas to get it tuned by them. i'm gonna run at the salt flats to try and beat my own record of 210mph that was on the stock with little bolt ons.
hopefully looking at 230's if she holds and don't brake apart.
hey Frank i took the turbo set up off and i installed the bottle back on and its just not the same. When we gonna hit the track again frank? lets tune that darn TA. this pay check i'll go buy that
turbolink. ok frank give me a call or email me