FYI...2/8/11 Houston Coffee and Cars is cancelled

Weather forcast too nice? Already running into problems with the Marq-E?

Website hasn't been updated in a while, it still lists Uptown Park as the host location...

EDIT= OK, Their Facebook page is saying it's problems with the property management people at the Marq-E. It's a shame, C&CH is a fun event.
Yeah, I get most of my info from the FB page.

Also got this email:


Due to the uncooperative nature of the Edwards MarqE property management, we will not be having a Cars & Coffee gathering this month. For those of you who attended our January gathering, I think you will agree it was one of the best we've ever had - both from the standpoint of the vehicles present, and also in terms of traffic management (and the virtual elimination of reckless driving). During the event, LA Fitness sold several memberships and is now an enthusiastic supporter, Red Robin offered to help not only with providing food and restrooms, but also with the costs of security. We felt we were on pretty solid ground with continuing the event at this site.

Not so. Without having attended either the December or January gatherings, the property manager informed us that she's received numerous complaints and that we are no longer welcome. We made a very concerted effort to improve our gathering, but ultimately it was not enough to satisfy the MarqE management.

At this point we're in preliminary talks with a commercial site that has no retail space. Since the MarqE provided no amenities to us and we've had to coordinate that ourselves, we feel that a non-retail commercial location could free us from constantly coping with retail patron parking places. I will inform everyone as soon as I know any details.

If you have any feedback please feel free to reply to this e-mail.

Jorge Verdejo

Houston Coffee & Cars
Houston Coffee and Cars