Fuel pressure question...


Jul 16, 2002
Looking for the fuel pressure that I should have at the rail with the line off and with the line on. Thx for help.
i was also looking for this, for whatever reason the search feature gives me a bad link when i use it.

obviously there is not set number, but a friend of mine just got an adjustable fp regulator and has no clue where to set it. its been a while since i sold my car (just over a year, i sure do miss her) and i cant' remember the little details like that.

whats a good base for a mostly stock car. (thdp, walbro 340 w/ hotwire, and a scanmaster to get it all right)
reconnect vac line.Check o2 at WOT.Some sort of scan tool will be needed and looking for O2 reading @.780,Again this all depends on chip,cars tune,etc.You are looking for no knock during these tests.The lwr your WOT numbers w/no knock the faster the car will be.O2 numbers in the .780 range will save the head gaskets.