Frame off restoration kind of.

I don't get time to surf much on here anymore... Glad to see the progress!
Hope to see it out this year!!!!
Awsome progress and your almost there!
Glad I could help :)
UnderdogGN’s help is keeping me on track for the goal of making BowlingGreen. Weeks of sanding and doing body work. No more rock guard along the bottom edge of the doors, yeah!!! Panels appear to be pretty straight after several hours of spraying primer then block sanding. It is finally ready for paint.

A HUGE THANK YOU TO UnderdogGN for all his help. I glad to be done sanding door jambs and rockers. It is ready for paint!!!!


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yee haw it is painted!!!!!!!!!!!!

UnderdogGn waved his magic paint wand all over the car this weekend:D . First he shot it with a sealer, then basecoat, and finally the clear coat. Looks like he still has the magic touch when laying down paint!!!

It is getting close!!! The engine is going in next. I need to find more time to work on the car.

This paint has got me motivated:biggrin:


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Looks good Sam!!

Are you going to use a Champion p/s, alt bracket? I was told that the oil drain line in the fuel pump block off plate & Champion bracket don't fit together. I'm not sure on this b/c I drained my DLS pump to the front of the oil pain.

See ya in BG:D

BTW, I'm going to protest that block in TSm this year. Looks like an aluminum TA block to me! HAHAHA
That front mount is rediculous!!!!! Car looks awsome up close. I am getting very excited for B.G.
Hey Kevin,
I quess you do not like the color of my block:D :eek: . I painted it high metal flake silver so a magnet will stick to it. That should catch everyone off gaurd I think:confused: .

I am using the champion power steering pump bracket. It did have to be modified slightly to work. The bottom spacers which are shaped like an "o" had to be turned into a "D" shape. I just took my angle grinder to them in order to get clearance for the hose.

This illustrations explains what I did.


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Sam, i envy you. I was just checking back to see how things were going and WOW lot's o' progress. I'm done bagging a tagging, and i'm ready to split the frame from the body. Again, nice progress.

Thanks Luke, Good luck with your car.

Got the engine installed over the weekend. Most of the electrical under the hood all hooked up. Still got to put the pipes to the RJC megacooler in, but have to wait until I get my 3 row aluminum radiator from G body parts. Bryan shipped it out this week so I should get it this week. That will allow me to get everthing buttoned up under the hood.

That 3.5 down pipe Brian Cotton made sure did fit nice.

Next will be to finish plumbing my fuel system, got some electical stuff left to do, and put the transmission in.

It will be running soon. (engine has already ran on Dyno with a carb and headers) I might make it to Bowling Green, if I can get caught up at work and find more time to work on this project.


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Looken good! Nice intercooler...;) That's comming along nice. A little jealous...:mad: :cool: Btw, nice job on that firewall. Looks like it came that way from the factory now.
Holy cow Sam car looks good for sure!!! Like I mentioned in an E-Mail I need to get over there and see it in person with everything painted, motor compartment looks sweet and very clean from the pics and you know how I like clean motor compartments!!! :D
Oh and your welcome on the help glad I could be of service and help out with the addiction of speed and the Buick V-6!!!! :cool:
Looking good! You are officially further along than me now:eek:

BTW...more pics of that truck!
sam car is looking great!!!!. I bought my X back this weekend so we will but the sbc back in. I am going to try and go to bowling green, just for sat. we will see how it goes


more progress

* Trunk is painted
* Fuel cell is installed
* Battery is mounted to the bracket which Chris made and welded to the frame
* Fuel pump is mounted to the same bracket
* Fuel lines are all hooked up
* Battery disconnect is mounted and wired up (another bracket Chris fabbed up for me)
* Solenoid for the fuel pump is mounted and wired up (continuous duty cycle golf cart solenoid)
* Rear tail lights are in
* Rear bumper and bumper fillers from G Body parts turned out real nice. Tim and I stole an Idea from Steve Hughes car and made the split rear bumper filler one piece, it turned out pretty nice. (Thanks for the idea Steve).
* Parachute stuff is all mounted up, probably won’t need it, but it LOOKS COOL!
* Rear windows are all in

Tim stopped by today and helped me get the trunk lid, doors, and hood on. Thanks for your help UnderdogGN.


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interior photo

I also started installing the interior today. Also check out what a nice job Chris did on the cage. When I said “I want as close the roof as possible” he made it happen. You can barely slide a business card in-between the T top trim and cage main hoop.

It is really starting to look like a car.


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I need to get over there this weekend and check it out!!! I only saw it when I was working on it in raw steel form.... :( LOL..... Looking very, very nice all painted up for sure!!! :cool: