For those using F-Body Radiators

Kansas T

May 25, 2001
For those of you using the 3rd gen F-Body aluminium radiators in your TR's, does it keep the car cool? What temperatures do you see? Do you, or can you run the AC on a 100+ degree day? Are you using any coolant additives or different fans to keep it cool?
I'm running the f-body radiator, but its not on a daily driver,I'm located in west tx. were its near 100 most of the time. the times i do drive it, with the AC on, the water temp reaches about 200 in stop an go traffic,goes down to 170 on long streches of road.The fit is near perfect, i had to trim the rubber supports and shorten the lower rad ,hose some. I'm also running a front mount intercooler,so i moved the trans and oil cooler(seperate units) under the battery with an small electric fan. been working great for the last 2 yrs.