For my first hole in one today!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
I've been shooting around par for a few years and finally had a hole in one at hole #16 at BridgeMill Golf Club in Canton GA. 199 yards slightly downhill into a left to right crosswind. #16 is the signature hole for this course probably because it's a true island green with bunkers. I faded a 4 iron into the front of the green and the ball checked and tracked straight for about 6 feet and disappeared into the cup. Awesome! There were 3 witnesses including my Dad and Pastor and no they didn't see the ball go into the hole, but they saw me take the ball out of the hole once we got to the green. Thanks for stopping in. Michael
Don't you win a free car or something?

Congrats. Golfers can go their whole life without getting one.
Congrats!!! Nice job.

I am just happy to get it on a par 3 on my first shot.
Your Pastor was there as a witness? Now I think your lying....I mean, the Pastor took it over the top when you didn't have to. ;)
Congrats. That is a long shot for a hole in one! I am still trying, I would be happy to even get one with a wedge. I plan to play BridgeMill soon, so I will make sure I pay attention on that hole. How is the course right now?

I'm pretty sure they're aerating this week like all the other courses in the area. I would wait about a month and it should be good to go. Fun course.
Last time out I had THREE holes in one. Tiki Golf in North Haven CT. :biggrin: Tough course, can be real distracting with all the kids playing the video game machines.:)

Way to go Michael!! I'm not a golfer but I do know that that takes feat, skill, and a little lady luck too!! :cool:
If it wasnt for that f*cking clown on the #7 at the local Putt Putt I would have had a couple by now :D

I hate that clown!